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  1. G

    Earn money by registering on forums!

    They've also just added a Paid to Post program.
  2. G

    Hosting Account Not Linked

    I am still able to access my account. According to the PM GamingX sent me, the account is located on the server Boru.
  3. G

    How much space do you use?

    I'm using about 40 MB.
  4. G

    Hosting Account Not Linked

    Well, I just want it to be linked, so I can change my cPanel password. :/
  5. G

    Earn money by shortening links!

    This service is a service similar to, but it gives you the opportunity to earn money from the users who click your links! It shortens links, but when someone clicks on your link, they'll get a little bar at the top of your webpage with an advertisement. Once you get $5 of earnings...
  6. G

    Hosting Account Not Linked

    Hello my hosting account with the username Joseph07 and the subdomain is not linked to my web panel account with the username Grandcruiser. Could you please link it?
  7. G

    Affiliate marketing

    The big Amazon affilates are usually well known companies that have a lot of influence on the market. In reality, unless you have a lot of traffic and people who want are interested in Amazon products, you probably won't make much from it. It's best to stay with ad programs like AdSense.
  8. G

    Adobe® ColdFusion™ 9 for free.

    Thanks for the link! I've registered.
  9. G

    Earn $0.10 just for Join! PP[Total Paid: $0.30]

    Re: Earn $0.10 just for Join! PP[Total Paid: $0.00] I've registered and sent you an email.
  10. G

    System Not Starting

    Wow. I have never heard of a Northbridge cooking. :P
  11. G

    System Not Starting

    My friend called XFX, and they told him about the grounding. I have never encountered this problem before, so I didn't really know enough to check for this. :P
  12. G

    System Not Starting

    We found the problem. Apparently the motherboard wasn't grounded. My friend built the computer beforehand, and I just had to come wire and overclock it. It works fine now. :P
  13. G

    System Not Starting

    The light on the motherboard is always on when I turn on the PSU. Does that make any difference?
  14. G

    Earn money by registering on forums!

    I have JUST gotten paid by them.
  15. G

    Earn money by registering on forums!

    They've just added 2 new sites. I have enough to cashout now.
  16. G

    Earn money by registering on forums!

    That's because they don't have that many clients yet, because it's a new site. They should get more soon.
  17. G

    Earn money by registering on forums!

    My friend just opened up his new site that pays users money to register on forums. That's all you have to do - register and then paste the activation code into the verification page on the PTR website. You don't even have to post an introduction! The site is currently new at the moment, so you...
  18. G

    System Not Starting

    I see. I'll try to use a different power supply to see if it works. Thanks for the advice. :)
  19. G

    System Not Starting

    When I tried to start it up, nothing happened. I don't have a speaker connected to the motherboard, because the case does not have one. The fans did not start up at all, not even a jerk. I've reseated the CPU, but I haven't checked the pins yet(I'll do that right now). Is there any power...
  20. G

    System Not Starting

    Yep, I'm in the process of doing that.