Search results

  1. Jesse

    List your Website on the Future's Free Web Directory Im not the owner of this but an administrator. Edit: Staff's Please close this thread, it seems to be doubled.
  2. Jesse

    List your Website on the Future's Free Web Directory
  3. Jesse

    Which do you Prefer?

    Which Do You Prefer, Laptop or Desktop Computer?
  4. Jesse

    Check This Out!

    Please Register at my Website's and the website's that i administer. Some of the website's below are not mine, i only administer them. Lol :P
  5. Jesse

    Paying 10 Credits Just to Register...

    Register at then post here the username that you registered then i will pay your 5 credits.
  6. Jesse

    How to create MySQL database and user

    Creating a MySQL Database Creating a MySQL database with cPanel, which is included in all of the SiteGround's Linux hosting plans can be asily accomplished. In order to create a MySQL database on your hosting account, you need to log into the cPanel. This can be done by either using the [Go!]...
  7. Jesse

    How to install e107 CMS on your website

    How to install e107 CMS on your website? E107 software is not included in the Fantastico automated installation tool. That is why its installation is relatively more complicated. Pre-installation Process Step 1: The first step is to download the desired version of E107. E107 can be...
  8. Jesse

    What's Your Opinion about Making vBulletin a Free Software?

    What's Your Opinion about Making vBulletin a Free Software? Agree or Disagree?
  9. Jesse

    Get Listed on the Links Page of my site

    Get listed on the link page of my website, For only 50 credits get listed on the link page of my website for one time fee. post your link here and a short description of your site. All of the sites that i administer like GamingX, Kraze_T...
  10. Jesse

    Red Dragons - Your One Stop Source for Games & Software

    Here's the Link: Any Feedbacks or Suggestions are Accepted, Just Post them Here. By the way the website is still under construction.
  11. Jesse

    Donate Please :)

    Can somebody donate to me? i need 10,000 credits to buy a arcade pass, i wanna play.
  12. Jesse

    Buying 500 Credits

    I am buying credits, and my exchange is any help. or i can register on your site. PM Me.
  13. Jesse

    [REQ] x10 Staff

    Can you open a staff application for this coming christmas?
  14. Jesse

    Links! Links! Links!

    Hello Everyone! Please Visit My Websites Here and also the Websites that i Administer. 1. Red Dragons 2. GamingX 3. Information Technology Center You may also register your account in there. But if you can help me, please put the links in your website. Thank You! You may also post your...
  15. Jesse

    Site & Cpanel Problem

    I Cant Access my Cpanel and even my website what is the problem, yesterday i accidentaly changed my main domain in the account panel, but recently i changed it back. Is that the problem? I think this is the error? i see it in the error log using a different domain cpanel but my own account...
  16. Jesse


    I Cant Access my Cpanel and even my website what is the problem, yesterday i accidentaly changed my main domain in the account panel, but recently i changed it back. Is that the problem? I think this is the error? i see it in the error log using a different domain cpanel but my own account...
  17. Jesse


    X10Hosting Has The Best WebHosting Service. But Please Open an New Section in the Cpanel which will be named Support Tickets like in freehostia. Hope the best for you.!
  18. Jesse

    Good WebHost But...

    This is a Good Webhost than freehostia but please lessen the down time of your servers.
  19. Jesse


    How do i configure the Contact Us Form in Joomla, When i try it then when i click send it goes only to a white page.?