Search results

  1. D

    Account Panel Domain Change

    Seems to be broken or severely lagging behind. Did domain change 2 hours ago, and it's still stuck on "Updating".
  2. D

    Review my forum: How's the overall setup of the forum? Does it look organized and professional?
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    Free Domains: Why I now like Dot.TK

    I've tried various free domains such as and just recently got into which I now use. I. It's free, like most free domains. II. You can register and unlimited amount of domains where most others only let you have a few. III. The TTL for DNS resolution is extremely quick. Most...
  4. D

    Forum Feedback Can't view topics, make replies or create new threads.
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    Account Delete

    Want to get myself onto another server other than plagued starka. cPanel username: danw86 (X) Inserting an X inside the parentheses signifies that I have made all necessary backups of my free hosting account and will not hold x10Hosting responsible for any data I am unable to recover after...
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    Forum Collapse

    Can't seem to collapse any part of the forum, they just link to the following:
  7. D

    Umm...hi there...again?

    I don't know who deleted my account here, but I didn't authorize it. So anyway, hi again. lol