Search results

  1. XGI Admin

    100-300 credits: [How-To] Recoler Templates

    I have a template (style as called on phpBB) and was wondering how to change the colors of cerntain areas of my style. i'll give up to 100 credits to anyone who can help me select the correct codes to change. >> I already know html colors. >> I already know how to edit the template. I will...
  2. XGI Admin

    transparency for 300 c

    I need someone to make the background of my template transparent completely, 100% as im using it as a wrapper. I just want all of the blue in the background to be transparent. and take away the, login, logout, links. my forums - the...
  3. XGI Admin

    Picture Link

    I need someone to make me a click able picture link, ill give 20 credits. Use this image: Link to this site:
  4. XGI Admin

    Simple coding needed for 150 credits

    can someone take away this text on the bottom of my site"Designed by Joomla! is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License." Thats all and ill grant you 150 credits my site: :biggrin:
  5. XGI Admin

    Corporate Hosting

    is corporate hosting free? Also i have a question about it. Is corporate just a php upgrade or is it a server upgrade. Thanks for all you do, Xero
  6. XGI Admin

    404 page change.

    I dont want my 404 not found page to link bank to x10hosting. How can i just let it lead to my custom 404 page or a local one?
  7. XGI Admin

    Free Domain?

    If we get a certain number of credits, can we exchange them for a domain?
  8. XGI Admin

    Want to advertise on my site?

    Want to advertise on my upcomming site? I promise it will be a good one to ddraw users to your site. Best of all advertising is cheap. $5/month If you want your banner to be on my site for 2 months pay $10 want 3 months? $15 My site:
  9. XGI Admin

    Xero's Design shop (cost points)

    I'll be making designs to shine your website, make it more attractable, make people come to your website and say WOW. Xero's All you need Graphics/Design Shop For User's Just costs points. What You can Choose From: What Type: Banner Design: 100 Credits Graphics Designs: Depends on what Logo...
  10. XGI Admin

    help please

    I need help taking the "" and "short text to describe your forum" text by the banner area. I need to take that text away and also do you know how i can bridge my forums to my website? so that my users dont have to make to accounts one seperatly for the website and one for the...
  11. XGI Admin Domain

    so i have a domain and i tried to make it my websites official domain but then I confirm it and it says it's availible so, i click continue process and it says "The domain is not valid" any help?
  12. XGI Admin

    Bridge forums to website and logo

    I need to bridge my phpBB3 forums to my joomla website so that my users dont have to log into my website and log into my forums, so what bridge is there i can use so that they have one final username? Logo: on php forums the have a php logo well, i dont want a logo at all how can i take that away?
  13. XGI Admin

    Domain change help

    I want to change my domain from to a paid .com Is there a way i can do this with out restarting my registration? Also can i buy a ".com" domain from x10 services?
  14. XGI Admin

    How did you install phpBB3?

    I was wondering how you all installed your phpBB3 forum because i have been trying to get my forum but i have failed vigorously I started to try install it at: 9:08 a.m. -6 GMT right now its 10:37 p.m. -6 GMT :mad:
  15. XGI Admin

    PHPBB3 Installation: [READ ME]

    Please, i really need help get my phpbb3 forums. I uploaded the phpBB3 folder to Home/xero/ and it did not work. so i installed it to home/xero/public_html and again it did not so i re downloaded it and tried again, it still didnt work i followed the phpBB3 new iinstallation guide it didnt work...
  16. XGI Admin

    Hi All, *READ* XGI

    Hi all, and hopefully some of my future members on my soon to be hit website, Xero Graphics/Gaming Informer) Is going to be a website based on graphix and gaming Website Includes: Game: Talk, Walkthroughs, Help, & User Support. Graphics: Talk, Tutorials Help, User Support...