Search results

  1. K

    JForum Problems...

    Arrgh. Well, for future reference, JForum runs off of it, and it's average rating out of 5 is 4.23 so... It may help if you add it. Thanks for the reply though.
  2. K

    JForum Problems...

    Hi, I get this when trying to install: <jsp:forward page="install/"/> It says to register the files with an Apache handler, but I have no clue what to put in for the handler... Any ideas on what to do? Edit: No ideas?
  3. K

    SMF isn't working.

    AHA! I missed the sticky... Sorry.
  4. K

    no more windows xp?

    I have Vista and XP, and I find that I prefer XP... Vista seems too much like a Beta to me.
  5. K

    How do you measure the success of a website?

    I measure it by how many visitors/members/posts forums get.