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  1. amisopno91

    Teronga - We work for you! Just roam here and enrich yourself

    Thank you so much for your review. Yes We are working on the cool action that you are talking about with jQuery. We are actually redesigning the full site. And your site is fabulous just we also should load the pages using jQuery instead of reloading the full page. That's my only suggestion...
  2. amisopno91

    Teronga - We work for you! Just roam here and enrich yourself

    Actually it immediately take you to home instead of Our Zone. But I think as our zone color is as same as the menu you thinking that one is active. Active Menu is in Blueish color. But it is indeed a good advise I will look at it. And we are also working on our new design which will be full of...
  3. amisopno91

    Teronga - We work for you! Just roam here and enrich yourself

    Thannk you so much for your comment! We have updated more contents. Now we add articles everyday and these are unique. So please if you have time just see it again.
  4. amisopno91

    Teronga - We work for you! Just roam here and enrich yourself

    Please bring up my post. I want more reviews from my dearest friends of x10hosting. I believe its a place from where you can have quality but honest opinion and advise ..
  5. amisopno91

    Please review BD Pathshala website (Bangla Website)

    Please review this website and its design . This is a website focusing to provide tutorial in Bangla language primarily . We will also introduce other languages soon.
  6. amisopno91

    Which Web Browser you like most?

    I am also going to give a try to Chrome! Firefox consuming too much memory nowadays !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. amisopno91

    How many of us are here from Bangladesh?

    I guess I am the only one right now in this forum from Bangladesh. Anyway, I am from port city Chittagong of Bangladesh. If anyone want to know about my country, feel free to contact me.
  8. amisopno91

    How many of us are here from Bangladesh?

    Hello Forumist, How many of us here from Bangladesh. Please comment and make an statistics of us. Even Non resident Bangladeshi should post too. It will be highly appreciated if you give the website link which you are maintaining by yourself.
  9. amisopno91

    Web designer link exchange / possible partnership

    You only design websites ? I mean only layout design or you do coding too ? If you only do design then I am interested to make up team with you as we need partnership with some designer . By the Way, will love to link exchange with you too :)
  10. amisopno91

    Link exchange with Science related site!

    Will love to .. Please tell me what will be the requirement to do so?
  11. amisopno91

    Which Web Browser you like most?

    Palemoon , hmm.. New browser for me .. Will test it for sure.. ---------- Post added at 10:51 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:49 AM ---------- Yes.. But I think Firefox also taking lots of memory now a days ..
  12. amisopno91

    Travel link exchange. URGENT!!! :)

    I am interested ..
  13. amisopno91

    Which Web Browser you like most?

    I liked google chrome but it took like 2 GB of RAM memory . So I stopped using it. I open at least 5-10 tabs at the same time. Probably for that it was slow. But Firefox Rocks!!
  14. amisopno91

    Which Web Browser you like most?

    Dear friends, Hope everyone having wonderful time. In this post I want us to share about which web browser we use most, like most or any new browser which found interesting. Please share your browsing experience with us. My favorite is : Firefox and Opera I have also used/using : Internet...
  15. amisopno91

    Earn Money IMMEDIATELY- Guaranteed!!!

    Seems quite interesting.. Will try your method :D
  16. amisopno91

    Teronga - We work for you! Just roam here and enrich yourself

    Thank you so much.. Could you please give me some idea what types of articles We should focus more ? Thank you once again for visiting the website ..
  17. amisopno91

    Teronga - We work for you! Just roam here and enrich yourself

    Thank you so much for your feedback. your positive feedback will keep me always hungry to update the website .. please keep visiting if you liked the content also :)
  18. amisopno91

    Teronga - We work for you! Just roam here and enrich yourself

    Please Review this site. . This is a website by me. Terona is a blog covering exciting and cool articles, tutorials and news about the Web world, technologies, gadgets, websites and social networks. The latest web technology news and trending delivered via RSS daily...
  19. amisopno91

    I feel x10hosting is better than other free hosting providers.

    I loved x10hosting so much so far. I am just amazed seeing it's service which is absolutely free. I tried some hosting before but this is by far best one. I am using nearly a year now.