Search results

  1. S

    Wedding In SQL

    Wedding Query........ (SQL Server Stored Procedure Style) CREATE PROCEDURE YourMarriage @ BrideGroom Char(NotBad) , @ Bride Char(Good) AS BEGIN SELECT Bride FROM india_Brides WHERE FatherInLaw = 'Millionaire' AND CarCount > 2 AND HouseStatus ='TwoStoreyed' AND BrideEduStatus='PG...
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    Amazing 51 Facts

    1.People who ride on roller coaters have a higher chance of having a blood clot in the brain. 2.Black bears are not always black they can be brown, cinnamon, yellow and sometimes white. 3.People with blue eyes see better in dark. 4.Each year 30,000 people are seriously injured by exercise...
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    How to identify STROKE and save life.

    A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough. RECOGNIZING A STROKE...
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    Need suggestions from experts like you.

    Hi guys, i am going to start my new project. Its like a social networking site. Since there are so many of them in the market, i want to offer different services to the users apart from the regular services. So i would like you all to suggest the features that you would like to see in a...
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    How to Increase Website Traffic

    I just found a tutorial on the web about "How to increase Website Traffic". So thought it would be helpful to you guys by posting it here.. courtesy:- There are many creative ways to increase traffic to your website. Some will cost you money, and some won't. Below...
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    How Google Works

    I have uploaded the image instead.
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    GTA IV for PC Release Date Leaked?

    Rockstar games GTA 4 has been released for ps console. It has been said that its going to be released for pc this november.. But this is not a confirmed news.. I found the following quote about it over the internet.. There is also a rumor that it will be by october... This quote is from...
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    Cron Tutorial (Crontab Tutorial)

    What is cron? Actually it is called 'cron daemon'. Cron is an automatic task machine. You will use it on your Unix or Linux operating systems for doing some tasks at specific intervals with out your intervention every time. You set the clock and forget. The cron daemon runs the work for you...
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    Need Free advertisement?????

    I have implemented a ads program which is running in beta version. You can submit your banner in jpeg,jpg,gif,swf format either as a link here or post the banner here. I can add your banner to my program. In turn, that will be added to my site and some other site who is going to use my script...
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    java script help

    I have coding a script for about a week. I have coded the javascript functions and have uploaded it to my folder. Now i want to use this scipt and the functions containing in it in some other site. Is this possible? I tried but could not find the solution why the script is not working. I will...
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    Windows Usefull commands

    Here is a huge list of commands for accessing an application or program in windows environment from run window. To Access…. Run Command Accessibility Controls ==> access.cpl Accessibility Wizard ==> accwiz Add Hardware Wizard ==> hdwwiz.cpl Add/Remove Programs ==>...
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    Need Domain Name For testing purpose

    I need a domain name for testing purpose to do a feasability study for a project. I could have registered a domain, but i dont need it for full time. Just for maximum of 1 month. If any one of you have a spare domain Could you please lend it to me for testing purpose. Once you say yes...
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    Learn Unix using simulators

    We have these unix/linux subjects in our school/college/office subjects. But sometimes we find it hard to find one to run commands and learn. So i am posting here an useful simulator that you all can download and install in windows and work the basic commands. Here is the basic intro about it...
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    Cms Infos

    Hi guys, just wanted to post some good information for newbies. i have found another CMS called as Big Medium. Here is what it is described as. You can use this link to. Big Medium I will post some more info when i get time.
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    Problem after registration please help

    Hi admin One of my student just now registered and everything went smoothly. He can login to this forum and the x10hosting account. But the problem is that the domain is not created sucessfully. He has specified the domain name as krishna and the full address is
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    What do you do to keep yourself fit?

    Since this is an information age, we tend to forget more about our health. We only think of our body when we get some disease be it a fever or some pain in some part. Even i do that only. So i thought if someone is there who cares for his/her body, then tell me how you spend your time in busy...
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    New Site Template.. Please rate it and put a comment on it.

    Hi First of all i like to thank you for reading this post. Since it was a boring weekend and no games to play i just started to design a new template. I will be attaching a copy of it too. Please rate it and give any type of feedback on it for further improvement.
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    Dynamic and configurable Server status image generator link for x10 credits

    Hi all, This is to inform you that i have coded a new server status script that is dynamic and configurable. Some of the configuration that is currently available are (1)Change Font Size. (2)Change Font (3)Change Background (4)Change the message Color (5)Specify the IP Address and the port...
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    Which Forum Script to choose.

    Hi all I am working as a freelance programmer for one of the company and they asked to set up a forum for them. They said that they need an open source forum script. Since my script is still under contraction, i need your help in deciding which script to go for. There are lot of comparison...
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    Nice and interesting scripts

    Hi all, I was just browsing and found some good and interesting scripts on the internet. So thought of posting it here. From these scripts we can learn a lot. You can post similar nice and interesting scripts if you found one. Now let me tell you how to use it. (1). Open your browser (2)...