Search results

  1. SniperFox

    League of Legends

    Just fyi: I'm pretty sure he doesn't get anything for referring people. Kind of like referring someone to a forum - they can put your name in and it just shows that you brought someone to the board. His referral id just let's it be known that he brought new people into the game. There's no...
  2. SniperFox

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Bulletstorm and LittleBIGPlanet GOTY Edition.
  3. SniperFox

    What do you use x10Hosting for?

    Voted "PHP/MySQL", "CMS", and "Blog" - mainly since I run ( or will be running again ) Wordpress - though not as a Blog - but a portfolio - so it works for me as a CMS.
  4. SniperFox

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    I'm almost certain is free o.O
  5. SniperFox

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    Red Dead Redemption and Fight Night Round 4. Soon to get Uncharted 2 and maybe Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: The Game.
  6. SniperFox

    whats your faverout online multyplayer game?

    Metal Gear Online, Rock Band 2, and as of right now: Red Dead Redemption. I'll likely be adding Uncharted 2 to that list soon, too. Very rarely does multiplayer appeal to me - either it feels to far away from the single player, or it just isn't very fun and feels tacked on. These few games I've...
  7. SniperFox

    Living forever and war?

    There would probably always be war. Whether or not it's the same as it is now ( As in two countries or more fighting each other ), I don't know - but there will always be people who disagree on ideologies and beliefs, etc. But there will always be fighting, unfortunately. Though probably on a...
  8. SniperFox

    Live forever?

    My thoughts are "No" - mainly because I'd rather not outlive friends and family - or the planet itself. You now, that inevitable end of the world? The moment in which all life basically stops for our solar system? The sun finally burns out, and eventually supernovas, wiping out pretty much...
  9. SniperFox

    Xfire has been bought out

    Should have sold to the guys at Raptr :(.
  10. SniperFox

    Ugliest console - 6th and 7th generation

    The Dreamcast is actually very small. About as small as the Gamecube in width, and a little bigger than the PS2 in height. Not bulky at all. The controller is another story. Ugliest system, in my own opinion, is the Halo 3 Xbox 360. That thing is the most hideous shade of green I have ever...
  11. SniperFox

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    ^I'm thinking about getting that one eventually..there's a lot of games I want right now, lol. Thanks to PSN+ again, I just got Critter Crunch, Syphon Filter, and Kahoots. I also snagged Fieldrunners from it as well. I forgot how ugly some PSone games were ( Syphon Filter ), lol, but I still...
  12. SniperFox

    Which is your favorite Gaming Company?

    Kojima Productions Insomniac Naughty Dog Team ICO Capcom Namco-Bandai EA Games ( NOT Sports. ) Double Fine Harmonix Bethesda Game Studios Sony Computer Entertainment Rockstar Polyphony Digital thatgamecompany Media Molecule Bizarre Creations Notice a trend in who most of them seem to focus on? :P.
  13. SniperFox

    Whats The Last Game You Bought?

    PSN+ - netted Wip3Out HD ( w00t ), Age Of Zombies ( Hilarious ) and Rally Cross ( Meh.. ) Last game I myself actually bought, though, were Fallout 3 ( In a word, EPIC. ), and Midnight Club: LA ( Enh..takes some time to get into, but decent. ).
  14. SniperFox

    X10Hosting Gamer Tag Listing

    Username: SniperFox Real Name: James Headrick Age: 23 ( 24 in a couple weeks ) Location: Tampa, FL, US Xbox Live: N/A PSN: FAoOHxSniperFox Steam: N/A XFire: N/A Games: Metal Gear Solid 4/Metal Gear Online, Rock Band 2, Midnight Club LA, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Wip3Out HD, Super Street...
  15. SniperFox

    Are Arcades Dying?

    Arcades started dying in the 90's, when the consoles were starting to be able to handle arcade titles properly. However, NOW, they are REALLY dying...even pinball tables are being stopped. PINBALL. The most classic of arcade games, is starting to go away :(. Japan, however, still has a...
  16. SniperFox

    Cossacks Transfer

    Any ideas yet on when this will be done? Also, just wondering if this might be the cause of why I all of a sudden can't get into my site, through FTP or anything? It was working a little while ago, but just stopped about 5 minutes ago, lol.
  17. SniperFox

  18. SniperFox

    asl pls? ^_^

    22 - Male - Florida
  19. SniperFox

    World's Worst Web Designs

    Even by old school standards, those sites are pretty bad. They're hard to read, some are overloaded with graphics...flashing graphics, at that, and the navigation is pretty poor. Whoever said the Clan Templates site is bad, needs to get their vision checked. There's a bit of text on the front...
  20. SniperFox

    MySQL Issue [Database Error]

    Hmm..looks like it's working now. I created two new users, and attached them to the databases, and both sites seem to be running fine now. Not sure what happened with the other users, though.