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  1. M

    PHP Include- Page Titles

    Thanks everyone for the help. I corrected the switch statement, but it still doesn't seem to work. You can see a live example here. This is the source code for content.php: <?php //Snag the header: include('head.php'); // Get the name of the page from the string query // Set $page to "home"...
  2. M

    PHP Include- Page Titles

    Opps, sorry. Late night typing does not work for me. :redface: I'm attempting a different approach, this time with switch statements: <?php $title="$title"; switch( $title) { case($page = 'home.htm') $title = 'Title1'; break; case($page = 'page1.htm') $title = 'Title2'; break; } ?>...
  3. M

    PHP Include- Page Titles

    On my site, I have a header.php,a footer.php, and a content.php which grabs the header/footer and selects page content from a directory file (?page=pagename). The problem is that when content.php includes the directory content files, it doesn't include all of the <header> information. To fix...
  4. M

    How to get members on the same database?

    I recommend that if you are new to coding, you use JFusion (a Joomla 'extension') to 'bridge' your site together. :D
  5. M

    Extra horizontal space- div/table/image within <td>

    I seem to have a spacing problem in Internet Explorer. In FireFox, displays fine, but in IE the navigation bar gains A LOT of extra space. #side { background: url(; background-color: cc00000; overflow: hidden; padding-top...
  6. M

    Thought this was a bug with the new server...

    Wow! Unlimited bandwidth/space?! On a free hosting service?! This is too good to be true!! Call me sceptical... but what's the catch? :wink: (x10hosting just got x10 better!)
  7. M

    CNAME Creation

    Opps, sorry. I editted the previous post but I guess there was an error! I added a "www" to the subdomain and now it's working. Thanks for trying to help me though!
  8. M

    CNAME Creation

    Hey, thanks! I guess the cPanel was updated with something new! :) But I've run into a bit of a problem. I gave a CNAME record of , but when I try to set up the subdomain on I get this error: The supplied...
  9. M

    CNAME Creation

    Can I please have a CNAME added for and that points to ? Thank you for any assistance! :)
  10. M

    Subdomain not working.

    Ok, I set it up on the cPanel (even though it already exists- it's just not listed), and it still doesn't work. In fact, when I was getting support to add the CNAME the staff told me to delete it from the cPanel. The subdomain HAS worked before, it's just now giving me trouble.
  11. M

    Subdomain not working.

    My subdomain is not listed on either of the places to told me to look, the staff set up the CNAME for me months ago.
  12. M

    Subdomain not working.

    EDIT: I will just use the subdomain as a redirect for now, and wait for x10hosting to be "back to normal" before I set up the CNAME again. Thanks for the help anyway! The subdomain for my site ( , which points to external site ) leads to an error page. I am sure...
  13. M

    My sites down

    I'm afraid it doesn't work like that, hon. You're going to have to be patient like the rest of us. :( But if it does... ME NEXT! ;)
  14. M

    server feedback

    For the past month or two x10hosting has been moving and repairing servers: causing a lot of downtime. While this is frustrating on both the user and admin side, I am possitive that within the next month x10hosting will be back to it's amazing self. This is by far the best free hosting site I've...
  15. M

    Chopin Expedited Copy or Thank you so much! :)
  16. M

    CNAME Creation?

    I already have my parked. I'm trying to have a subdomain point to another url. I asked because as far as I know only staff can create the CNAME.
  17. M

    CNAME Creation?

    Hi there, Can I please get a CNAME added for that points to ? Thank you!
  18. M

    I can't Login to Panel!

    Thanks for the reply. I just tried again and it works now. Thank you again!
  19. M

    I can't Login to Panel!

    Hello everyone, I was trying to log in to my account panel earlier today but I typed in the wrong username. I was taken to a second login page, where it also asked me to put in a number code to verify I was not a bot. I did so, but it said 'invalid code'. I tried it several more times, cleared...
  20. M

    Slow Server

    I'm not sure if this would cause the problem, but x10hosting is migrating servers right now. That might contribute... :dunno: