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  1. B

    MySQL Problem

    Have you changed your details in the script eg. in php to connect to it - mysql_connect('HOST','USERNAME','PASSWORD');
  2. B

    Website Programmer Needed!!

    Since nobodys helping me ide like to rais the stakes. i am an artist and an animator so for anyone making any games i will sprite for them. pleaaaaaase help me
  3. B

    .SWF Video Upload System

    Okay I want My visitors to be able to upload a .sfw video on my site for people to see. any help? i also want a search engine that allows you to find a video. thank you for all your help
  4. B

    Website Programmer Needed!!

    Okay I cant give you money because im not 18 yet but i can garentee a free ad/link on my site. please pm me