Search results

  1. Q

    First Attempt At A Userbar

    Not too good, but it was my first attempt: Any suggestions for improvements? Thanks.
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    Question About Paid Hosting

    I searched using every single keyword I could think of, and the results either listed thousands not at all related to what I was looking for, or nothing at all, so: If you switch to the paid hosting, instead of, is it possible to maintain the current subdomain? I will...
  3. Q

    Advertise In The Content Of My Articles! Great Traffic Booster!

    You can advertise right in the middle of my articles (after you click the "Read More" link) for a very low base price. The rates are: Text Link: This article sponsored by Nothing Of Particular Interest 10 Credits. 350x20 Bar: 15 Credits 88x31 Button: 20 Credits 468x60 Banner: Only 30...
  4. Q

    Free Moola Invites! GET 5 CREDITS FOR SIGNING UP! Start at Level Six!

    Either Click Here: Or PM me with your email for a Moola invite. You will start off at Level Six instead of Level One for a limited time! Plus, I will PAY YOU 5 CREDITS if you sign up and PM me with the beginning of the...
  5. Q

    Do you see flashing?

    Do you see flashing? 56K WARNING I made this image based off of a recent illusion I saw online. It didn't work at all, but the basic concept was good, so I made this one recently, and it works for 90% of people, as long as you have good color resolution. It should be "flashing": EDITED IMAGE...
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    Get a FREE banner!

    Yes, a 100%, absolutely free 468x60 banner such as this: For simply making my site an 80x15 button. 80x15 is NOT a large size, while 468x60 IS, and a very widely-used banner size that any website could use. As you can see, my current 80x15 button is very... uh... how do I put it delicately...
  7. Q

    Place your ads on my site for NO up-front cost!

    Yes, that's right. All you have to do is apply. This is a PTC program, where all you have to do is pay 1 credit per click. That's it. Simply apply, and at the end of every week I'll tell you how much you owe with a screenshot of the amount of clicks you've had. The click counter I use has a...
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    A few logos I made.

    I like the shattered glass effect, so I made a few logos using this effect for a fake company called "Complex Web Designs". Please rate them from 1-7:
  9. Q

    Win 100 Credits SUPER Easy!

    Simply go to my website, Nothing Of Particular Interest, go down to the Vista Tutorial post, hit "Read More", and copy and paste the code at the bottom into a PM to me, then post here saying that you did it and you will be entered into a random drawing for the easiest 100 credits ever!
  10. Q

    When do ads go too far?

    Just a quick little questionnaire, answer Y/N for all of them for when ads go too far: (ignore any ones after a Yes) Ads in middle of content once. ...Twice. ...Thrice. Small text links at the very top of the page. ...Big Text Links/Top/Page. ...Banner/top/page. Small Adsense...
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    Advertise me to easily double credits!

    This is quite simple: Put some credits down, and get up to double them back, with no work on your part except for advertising. Here's an example: User Geni_is_Awesome_x registers for this program. Geni doesn't have many credits, but she DOES have a very popular website. Still, to be on the safe...
  12. Q

    468x60 Website Banners!

    Such as this one I made for my own website: For only 10 Credits for the first person to request one! Afterwards, it will be 40 credits. Fill out this form: Text: Font: (MUST be TrueType downloadable from the internet for free) Image: (optional but HIGHLY recommended. only one. if no image...
  13. Q

    Five Credits To Advertise Your Website

    This is a repost of an earlier post, which has long since died, but it still applies: Five credits to advertise on my ad page: As you can see on my homepage: There's a direct link on the sidebar. If you would like to add a 468x60...
  14. Q

    3D Logos

    I will make any 3D logos for you if you fill out this form: Base Price is 20 Credits. Logo Image: (optional) Cost: 10 Credits. (please note, any logo will be resized if bigger then 199x199, with aspect ratio retained. Smaller images will be accepted without resizing. PLEASE NOTE as well that if...
  15. Q

    Image Shop

    I can do a WIDE variety of effects for you, such as; Banners: Small Banners: (Don't know why it looks such low-quality in the thumbnail, it's much better in full size.) Various Effect Signatures: (Ditto, much better in full size) Completely Random On-Demand images: High-Quality Bicubic...
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    Complete A Survey To Get Points - Limited Time Offer

    Simply fill out the survey here and post here with the unique code you used to get 10 points. It's very short, and will take up about... 60 seconds of your life. :biggrin:
  17. Q


    Hey, this might be a stupid question, but I searched and couldn't find it anywhere, so: Is InnoDB available to the free-hosting users?
  18. Q

    FIVE Credits To Add Your Website

    To my ad page: As you can see on my homepage: There's a direct link on the sidebar. If you would like to add a 468x60 banner, it will be an extra 10 credits for a total of 15. It will stay there forever, and I will post the ads in order...
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    Will Install Anything!

    For free. =) I'll install ANYTHING that can't be Fantastico'd. =) This is mainly, more then anything, to satiate my annoyance for those people ridiculously over-charging to install the most trivial of things. If you'd like, you can donate. But it's completely optional. If, however, you'd...
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    Is there any way to prevent access to a page without viewing the home page?

    Is there any way to prevent going to a page, unless the viewer has visited the front page? So that if they try to access any page without viewing the front page they are automatically redirected to the main page? I'd be willing to add a code to every single page.