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  1. balaji2u

    pls help me with Co.CC DNS

    Hi all, i need a help for setting up my domain name server.till yesterday i used the url forwarding method for my site as but now i decided to use the DNS option in the . for your reference my x10 site is the subdomain pointing to...
  2. balaji2u

    pls help me with Co.CC DNS

    Hi all, i need a help for setting up my domain name server.till yesterday i used the url forwarding method for my site as but now i decided to use the DNS option in the . for your reference my x10 site is the subdomain pointing to...
  3. balaji2u

    Pls review my forum site

    Guys pls review my forum site DNS name server is in process so pls dont hesitate to type the url...;)
  4. balaji2u

    ad brite code doesnt works for my phpbb

    hi guys ..i've terribly trying to make ad brites code in my site by adding their java script code at the files overall_header.html and overall_footer.html but all i see was just the page as before.please help me to shoot out this problem.. im wondering that x10hosting filters the adds in our...