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  1. R

    my site..your thoughts...

    I found a more simple contact form, placing it on a separate page with the link now found on the footer. I also have a new banner on the home page :)
  2. R


    right..I'll try that. ty
  3. R


    Greetings! Im just wondering if cloudflare is properly setup in my account. Cpanel says its active, cloudflare site says its active but then if i try to put one of those cloud banners from their site its gray when its suppose to be orange. And I also saw this link on my cpanel which says...
  4. R

    database error

    again it fails to attach categories and tags to posts :(:(:(
  5. R

    database error

    I reinstalled wordpress again in an attempt to solve this problem. When I imported my backup, categories and tags were missing so I had to redo them. But now I'm seeing Error establishing a database connection error pages again :(
  6. R

    database error

    hi I've been experiencing a problem with my database for quite some time now. Every now and then my pages/posts return a 404 error when visiting the site. On my wp admin panel none of my posts or pages are being displayed as well or at times categories/tags are the ones not displayed. This...
  7. R


    Hi I'm still having problem with my contact form, first encountered after the litespeed upgrade. I have tried using different plugins already but none of them work. I tried searching and saw others having the same issue but none of them have received any reply yet. Can we please have a...
  8. R

    db error

    yah I think its working fine again. I have disabled the cache for the meantime. Thanks. ---------- Post added at 10:12 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:03 AM ---------- erase that. I'm still experiencing the database error :( ---------- Post added at 10:51 AM ---------- Previous post was...
  9. R

    db error

    Hi. I've been receiving alot of "Error establishing a database connection" error lately when visiting my site/its admin panel. Refreshing the page sometimes display the site correctly but after a /few click/s I end up on the error page again. Can anyone help me determine what's wrong and...
  10. R

    mail and hru limit

    I just need an update if there's a problem with mail function so I'd know if the problem is on your side or on the plugins im using.
  11. R

    mail and hru limit

    Hi. Is there something wrong with mail function? I tried 3 plugins already and all of them cant send mail. I also reached resource hit limit when trying to use the contact form on my site.
  12. R

    HRU (High Resource Usage) Policy Change

    Is this rule the same with prime and illuminated users? Anyway trying to understand the graph, my traffic will get redirected for an hour if the red line pass the 90 limit on the first graph and/or 300 limit on the second graph? (whew i almost reached those limits while trying to install wp on a...
  13. R

    Interactive Community Based Website -- "Am I the only one..."

    Interesting concept. I also like the simplicity of the site. ^,...,^
  14. R

    Count to 1 Million

    2516 more clicks before another mouse dies
  15. R


    Hi Im trying a plugin and it needs to make some changes to .htacess file. Tried to change permission to 777 as the plugin suggested and received this error: 550 Could not change perms on .htaccess: Operation not permitted Tried to manually change it and reupload it using ftp and...
  16. R

    my site..your thoughts...

    Thanks for pointing that out, i usually use opera where the contact form loads properly. I will try to find a better one
  17. R

    my site..your thoughts...

    thank you..any suggestion what to improve, add or remove?
  18. R

    my site..your thoughts...

    Hi guys...I created a personal website/blog and would appreciate if you could take time to look at it and provide some feedback..cheers! site here
  19. R


    I understand. Thank you!
  20. R


    I see..yes wordpress has already written something on the htaccess file. It would have the same effect if I edit the htaccess file manually and add codes like the ones generated on this website right? Thanks (: