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  1. M

    How long would it take for my update process to take place?

    I need this resolved please. Ive changed my password twice. I also changed the domain, since i didn't know i could use Please help me with this and e-mail me my new passwords or atleast the confirmations so i can access my cpanel and keep on working on my site! Thanks!!
  2. M

    Not saving FTP Accounts.

    I need help, my account is not saving FTP accounts, and i use Dreamweaver to edit/modifiy online my sites. It seems that whenever i want to modify/edit my sites i need to create again my FTP account over and over again, so i can access it and work. I think that must be an issue with the...
  3. M

    WebMail error, please help!

    DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED! Unable to connect to the database! Please contact your server-administrator. I can't log into SquirrelMail, Horde or even the other WebMail. It was working fine yesterday all night then all of the sudden it stopped responding.
  4. M

    My antivirus keeps on saying that the site is not safe?

    My Antivirus and Firefox keeps on saying that the cPanel isn't safe, so i can't log into my webmail. I have to keep on adding the certificate to show that it safe, but i have to do it EVERTIME i want to log into my account. Please fix this! Thanks!!
  5. M

    Hosting Account Signup Failure (Error Code 384F0062)

    Hello, I need help regarding my hosting account signup that has failed. The signup has failed as the result of a "system error." I would like to resolve this and start using my hosting account as soon as possible. The error code provided is: 384F0062
  6. M

    Hosting status: Pending?

    Your hosting account signup is currently awaiting processing or executing within our system queue. Its status is displayed above and will be updated upon clicking the submit below. Why does it show that? How long does it take for my hosting account to be activated?