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  1. W

    x10Radio Credits Giveaway

    nice.. i didn't really know much about the radio until now =] i actually like it
  2. W

    Help With PhP

    Wow thanks both of you! And thank you for rewriting the code for me, I will use it. :D Edit: I gave you credits for helping :D
  3. W

    Help With PhP

    I am trying to add a <?php include("createserver.php"); ?> in position in my script. Every time I try to place it in it keeps giving me errors. Could some one fix it and make it show up in the correct spot? I labeled the spot I would like this 'include' tag to be in with [PLEASE ADD INCLUDE...
  4. W


    Check out my site *Free image hosting
  5. W

    Help please!

    I am very new to web programming, so I decided to start on something easy. Well the problem is, I don't really know how to use <divs> to create a nice styel.css document for my page. This is my site: and I don't know how to make $variables a certain font color...
  6. W

    Can not access Cpanel

    I just received my account today and I now realize that my C-panel is not working. It keeps saying "Login Attempt Failed!". My username: warriorh Primary Domain: cPanel URL: