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  1. X

    Forum redesign

    Don't get me wrong I love the 'new' - not so new now - layout however I still have trouble reading posts simply because the font size is too small! Is there no way at all that this can be increased slightly. The old forum I could read perfectly. Anyone?
  2. X

    Excel Help

    Hello, Been busy working throughout the summer hence my lack of activity as I started picking up on here :( I'm making a wage sheet for my two jobs to make sure I get paid the right amount for the hours I do. What I'm wanting to know is I have it set up like this: Waitrose £money...
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    Editting CuteNews to Show different areas on different webpages

    Hey all, I've got my site set up over at Basically what I've got now is CuteNews installed and php included on my index page. I have it set so it only shows two news items at one time. I want to know how and what code(s) I need to use to get the 'read more' link to point...
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    PHP contact form styling (line spacing)

    Hey I've got my contact form set up - works all nice. I just want to customize it a litter further though. When the user submits the form, it emails me whatever they've said. $subject = " Email"; $message = "You've received an e-mail through your website mail...
  5. X

    Add my domain please

    Can't find my other thread!!?? My domain ( has the correct nameservers now and when viewed you can see the cpanel info page. Please add this to my account. My subdomain is: My Cpanel User is: martin16 My Account is: xxll_martin_llxx In my...
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    Adding a domain name to account

    Hey all, I logged into my account (with xxll_martin_llxx) and changed my domain in that area. Account Username:martin16 Primary Domain: cPanel URL: I put the x10 name servers and in my...
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    New Site Name Help Needed

    Hey all, I'm about to open a new website up but I have no name for it! :dunno:. I shall describe a little about what it's for so you can then maybe think of something short, easy to say and suitable. If possible I'd like to be able to shorten it to just two or three letter abbreviations...
  8. X

    W3C CSS Validation Help - 2 Errors

    Hey all, I've done a little work on this and fixed most of the errors however there are still two left.... In my CSS for those two bits is: .img-left-noborder-notopmargin {float: left; margin: 0px 0px 0px 10px;} .img-left-noborder-topmargin {float: left; margin: 3px 10px 0px...
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    Offering my services - Need admin approval to PM them?

    Hi I am wanting to offer my services to the forum users but I just need confirmation this would be acceptable in the way I intend for it to work as I believe people aren't supposed to be giving out their cpanel information (if needed, which may be some time, not always) Could one of the...
  10. X

    x10 Hosting Ad code + Adsense too

    Hey all, On my website Phoenix Supras I tried adding the x10 hosting ad code..... <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> But it wouldn't show up. What's the matter with it? I tried this on a .php and .html - neither made it show up...
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    Why X Ten?

    Why 'x10Hosting'? Why not x9Hosting, x100Hosting and so on. I admit 'x10Hosting' does have a slight ring to it and rolls off the tongue better.
  12. X

    X10 Hosting Services..?

    Hi all, Just a quick query about what something actually involves on the silver service. Script Installation Services - I know what it means, but how is it done? By a staff member or just through a few clicks of the mouse button by the user to install a...
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    X10 Forum Reputation

    I think that the Reputation system that can now be found on newer forums is an excellent addition. I find myself giving good rep. to people that are helpful throughout the forums here but I never seem to recieve any when I've put in a good, helpful post - I know, I haven't posted that much in...
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    Pool / Snooker games?

    Hey everyone, Does anyone play any on-line games such as Yahoo Pool or Gamedesire Snooker, Pool or 9-ball pool? I'm just wondering if anyone would be interested in playing in a league hosted at and hold tournaments and see who is the best at the chosen game. If...
  15. X

    Vista + Memory?

    This is a pretty new computer, with not much on it...However I'm just wondering.... Does this mean that, that amount of memory is being used right now? Does the memory usage from the above screenshot come out of this memory? >>> When I come out of Counter Strike or Football Manager...
  16. X

    Forgotten Cpanel login

    Hi, I can login to my X10 account but I can't remember my details for cpanel. I use 'martin16' to login to my X10 Account I THINK my cpanel username is 'xxll_martin_llxx' - I'm not sure though I don't know my password though. My sub-domain is '' (ad-free) which...
  17. X

    Sub-domain not working

    Hi I originally registered as then changed to but now I've tried changing it to but it doesn't seem to want to pick my index.php up. I can login to my account fine, I can login to my cpanel fine but I can't get my actual...
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    Running a website...

    Hey people, Let me explain the situation for you. I have a nice xhtml template I have modified all the colours, and how I want it to look. I have an idea of the website type I want to run. But I don't exactly know HOW to do it. I want it to be "semi-automatic"; Like a CMS but I don't...
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    Hellooooo X10 Forum Users

    Hi All, First off, I'm going to tell you the basics:- Name: Martin P Age: 16 Birthday: November 6th Location: England Like everyone, I'm interested in making a little bit of extra money. I've read those tips, where people say they make $xxx,xxx,xxx. Do they really? Maybe the odd one or...