Search results

  1. doublebogie

    domain shows no info

    my domain (web site) is blank what has happened??
  2. doublebogie

    T20 Cricket World Cup 2010 West Indies

    our English boys !! well as we call the ex- South African's - lol I'd rather an Aussie win, than our bunch of imports. :-)
  3. doublebogie

    how to play a short video in web site ???

    i am unable to get my site to run a short video, either embedded, or downloaded. However, if i use the control panel, and file manager, utilities, i can download the video (wmv) file and watch the video. So why does it not work, via the web site pages? Any ideas welcome. thanks
  4. doublebogie


    great site - very prof. :happysad:
  5. doublebogie

    X10 Hosting TOPS!!!!

    well, i'll give them 6/10. :fruit:
  6. doublebogie

    My Cat Downloaded the Porn, Not Me!

    great alibi i say! ;)
  7. doublebogie

    loving the service

    ditto ;)
  8. doublebogie


    here, here. Random site suspensions are beginning to make me look elsewhere for web hosting. time is precious, and i do not see the point of logging into the forums. what do we gain in doing this ? PS pls unlock my site thx.
  9. doublebogie


    suspended me too !! :bsflag: very silly