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  1. vol7ron

    New things to look out for...

    Introduction It is not news that manufacturers are continually coming out with better processors, faster memory, and smaller components. What is news is how quickly they are advancing and the repercussions from it. By the end of this and next year, the home computing technology will experience...
  2. vol7ron

    Inactivity Suspension

    What are the rules on suspended accounts again? They get suspended for inactivity but how are you seen as "active"? Like are you active if you just log in, or if you post on the forum, or do you have to upload a file? If anyone can point me to the rules, that'd be great. Thanks guys! :)
  3. vol7ron

    Review my test site This site is a test for a friend. I was playing around with silhouettes. This works best in Firefox, some of the images don't load in IE yet. Haven't devoted anything more than 20 mins to it because it's only a test site. Let me know what you think.
  4. vol7ron

    Just playing around

  5. vol7ron

    Hello There Lads

    Just wanted to say hi. I never officially said I was new here, but I am. I love the site/service... the admins have been really helpful. When I get my site fully functional, a portion of my profit (if I have any) will definitely go to x10 and I will be moving to the paid server. Thanks for...
  6. vol7ron

    Libraries / Modules

    I saw someone posted an inquiry about the GD library. I also need this one, but for Perl. For some reason it wouldn't let me reply to his post. I searched this forum and found this interesting topic: However in...
  7. vol7ron

    Problem to run cgi scripts - No IRC - Corey help?

    I asked for Corey because I see he has experience in this area. My problem is very similar to the one listed here: Only I'm not using scgi-bin/, I'm using the defaulted /cgi-bin. Permissions are fine and everything...
  8. vol7ron

    Eblah Perl/Perl Mods

    My problem is related to . It was closed, but I don't see any answer posted. I'm trying to install eBlah and I've changed all the permissions on all the files and uploaded everything according to...