Search results

  1. D

    Mobile Or Computer?

    What do you use more for communications? Me i use the PC alot more as i can phone from my pc, Txt and send emails all from my pc its great.
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    Staff Required for Open Support.

    We currently require members for the following groups on the forum for Open Support 50points for the first 5 to sign up and become selected. 2 = Windows ( need to alot of knownledge on windows ) 2 = Linux (need alot of knowledge on Linux) 1 = Moderator (Need to be efficent, Can talk in a formal...
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    [OFF] Phpbb integrate to phpnuke (any version)

    I have fixed the integration for phpbb into phpnuke. I cant give the tutorial out yet as i haven't wrote it but i am giving you a quick snap shot of it being real. I will give the tutorial to people who go by this offer and this isn't for points all im asking is you...
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    Hosting Down

    Hmm okay most of the services are down. I check every where to make sure a post hadnt been made, so i made a new one. Is this due to a update process or has it actually gone down by occurrance?
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    Open Support New Project.

    Hey guys i know what you lot are like when it comes to websites. What do you think of the Open Support Forums. I also dont know if to add more forums to it, i reckong there is already enough there to suit peoples needs. Please comment on here and help me and Alistar improve this project. The...
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    Hello to the big world

    hello everyone im love x10hosting there great and love the bandwidth and diskspace on this hosting just brill. anyway my names kyle/ disturbedart. Hope to talk to u lot soon. And thanks to blackroselove for refering me to this great hosting.
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    [site Review]

    #Disturbed Art hey this is my art work site and website setup website site see what you think and while your there please sign up to the forums so i can look good hehe only if your bothered please can you laters disturbed art