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  1. Livewire

    Diagnosing a possible hardware problem.

    K, normally I'd guess video card, but I'm not positive that's actually the cause right now. I'm getting ahead of myself though. Earlier this evening (like, WAY earlier), my monitor seemed to slowly start to tint the screen blue, then flicker back to normal. The third time it did this, I...
  2. Livewire

    Security Oversight? (minor)

    Just noticed that when logged in, the Suspended Accounts forum in Free Hosting is set to private. No biggie, shouldn't need to be poking around in there anyways. However: it IS visible if you log out and are viewing it as a guest. Is it supposed to be like that, or was the SA forum meant to...
  3. Livewire

    Loving the new sections, HOWEVER... (not a rant! I swear!)

    Is it possible to get the hosting support forums bumped closer to the top of the page like they were in the past? I doubt it's a problem for many people, but I'd rather not have to scroll down a full page on 1280x1024 to get to Free Hosting (I dun wanna know how many pages it is for the users...
  4. Livewire

    Broken SMF

    Ok, so here's the quick version of what looks to have happened. X10 v3 launched. Beyond that, the backup I took of the SMF database through cpanel is almost identical (some of the timestamps are different, because users came on to look for new posts) the last backup I have of my SMF database...
  5. Livewire

    XP Retiring in 2008 (for those who didn't already know)

    It's a bit older news item on BBC but still: Personally I won't be updating to Vista to beyond the middle of next year unless something catastrophic happens (like FEAR2 being Vista only); I've finally got XP how I like it, and I'll be damned if...
  6. Livewire

    Bandwidth Limit on Advanced plan?

    Really dumb question here, but if the homepage had this section up I wouldn't be posting at all (not rushing, seriously, just explaining my reasons for posting something I should have taken note of when I registered). Whats the bandwidth limit on the advanced plan? I'm working on something...
  7. Livewire

    One final ads question...

    I know I just solved a different issue yesterday, but this one's a quickie: What are postinfo.html and _vti_inf.html, and: 1) Can I delete them? 2) If I can't delete them (as in they'll break stuff if they aren't there), do I need to put ads on them? I didn't put them there and I'd delete them...
  8. Livewire

    Php Includes and ad's

    Kindof a weird question that I'm not sure how to word, but I'll give it a shot: In order to make my site easier to update for x10 ad's I'm rebuilding it so it loads everything in one php file - index.php. However, any extra content (pages for graphics, games, etc) is loaded through php...
  9. Livewire

    Two users sharing one account...

    I'm assuming it's legal provided that neither user hosts anything illegal, but let me elaborate a bit first. I already have an account here, and my mom's looking into getting her own website started (:nuts:). I know it'd be...questionable to have her get her own account as we're both hooked in...
  10. Livewire


    Not totally good at this whole Introduction thing (never really sure what's too much information or what too little is, so bear with me please), but here goes. I'm Eric Bettin, AKA Livewire (or Livewire90210 on some forums), I'm 18 and working through the programmer/analyst track at a local...
  11. Livewire

    Template question

    My site uses a custom template, where index.php loads the header, left side bar, the news, then the right sidebar. Do I need to put the ad code in the html/php for index.php, header.php, lsb.php, news.php and rsb.php? If I do I'm gunna need to go back and alter everything so it's one page (I...
  12. Livewire

    Cpanel password broken

    Domain/Subdomain: Package: Static IP: Username: drtalwr8 Thanks guys for figuring out what was broken, sorry it got corrupted and requires the extra work to fix it :( EDIT: ack, pc's throwing errors and I need to reinstall. Don't be surprised if I...