Search results

  1. kajasweb

    Suggestion to get more sales

    Hello, When I was browsing through Webhostingtalk Forums, I just came across a tutorial about selecting the Webhost at There, it is stated Home Page is also having a batch showing But, it is not click-able. Why it is so...
  2. kajasweb

    Yahoo! Mash Profile for X10 Points

    Hello, You may be aware that Yahoo! has opened a new Social Networking site, MASH. If you want an invitation. Just PM me your Name, Email, give me some Points and reply in this thread. I'll send you an invitation. Minimum - 15 Points Maximum - Your wish :cool: All the best.
  3. kajasweb

    Website Design Suggestion

    Hello, I just browsed through the web and found I'm not going to compare my X10Hosting with them. But, I just felt that their Web2.0 Page designing is very good. I just felt so possessive... that my host doesn't have a Web2.0 style page. Consider having a very good Web2.0...
  4. kajasweb

    More Details about Hosting Plans

    Hello, I just came to suggest that having a Comparison page between Hosting Plans would help the Customers chose the best plan for them. The Page has the details from three Hosting Plans, but they say only about the Disk-Space, Bandwidth and Price... Having a...
  5. kajasweb

    Doubt about CNAME and A Records

    Hello, I'm using Google Apps for giving Email accounts to my users and I'm using CNAME records to verify my domain ownership and shortcut URLs to the Google Apps' Services. I point my site with A Records. Now, coming to the point. I'm running Drupal for my site. I just want to give the...
  6. kajasweb

    Do you use Google AdSense ?

    Hello, I just want to ask... 1. Do you use Google AdSense in your site ? 2. How many Page Impressions do you get ? 3. Whats your Average CTR (Click-Through Rate) ? 4. Whats your Google PageRank ? and.. A final one... 5. How much do you like the concept of my site ( Please post...
  7. kajasweb

    Remote SQL is not working

    Hello, I have added my IP address in cPanel Remote SQL Section. (I'm not having Static IP, so I used wildcards). But, My phpMyAdmin is not connecting with my MySQL Databases. I have tried to connect with MySQL Query Browser. It also fails. How to connect ???
  8. kajasweb

    Any File Hosting by X10 ?

    Hello, Somewhere I found that X10 has a file hosting service. But, unfortunately I have missed that page. Do anyone know anything about that ? Does X10 really runs a free file hosting service? If yes, can we (web-hosting account members) use that service for storing our files, and use...
  9. kajasweb

    Cron Problem :-(

    Hello, I'm in Advanced PHP Configuration, and using php-cron. But, the include paths are not functioning properly. I have modified my Drupal cron file to use absolute path. But, all other include statements are failing with the same kind of error. The error message I'm getting is, I have...
  10. kajasweb

    IP for A Record

    Hello, I have to create some CNAME, MX Entries for my domain in order to use Google Apps for my domain. So, I did so in my Domain Host's Control Panel. But, Google said that the verification is failed. When I contacted my Domain Host regarding this problem, they're asking me to change the...
  11. kajasweb

    Site Not Working without 'www', How to fix it?

    Hello, My site is working nicely when the url includes www in it. Without www, its get re-directed to Account Suspended page. How to fix it? Please help me. Thanks in advance,
  12. kajasweb

    Apache HTTP is Offline :-(

    Ad-Enhanced (Cossacks) HTTP is down... Please fix it soon....
  13. kajasweb

    Problem Configurong my Drupal

    Hello everyone... I'm a newbie here. Today I joined x10Hosting family. I started uploading the latest drupal cms and other modules that i need. I encounter a error message when i'm trying to enable "Email Verify" module. I've posted the screen-shot of the error message. Please help me...