Search results

  1. michaelw1

    server status page

    Since x10hosing no longer has a server status page. How will we no if the sever was down?
  2. michaelw1

    server status page

    When you go the server station you no longer get the server information as the link is broken/not working Thank you
  3. michaelw1

    parked domain's

    What happen to the parked domain's it was there and now it's not in the cpanel anymore
  4. michaelw1

    I'm back / Question

    I am back to x10sting after a long brake and tacking services that did meet my needs . I have some questions 1. What happened to the sever status page ? you try it and the page isn't there anymore. 2. I am getting the following error When i install wordpress on your hosting WordPress has...
  5. michaelw1

    Hello to all

    hello everyone, Just letting everyone here no my website is back on x10 hostings network. after testing other services i found that x10 was the butter fit . you may have to log on to your account once a month . But that's a small price to pay
  6. michaelw1

    Saying Good bye

    Dear x10hosting , it is with deep sadness that i write this to inform you that I've removed my account from your service due to reason which I'm not going to post here . I've enjoyed your service while it was running with many tech support volunteer . Maybe someday soon i'll return but for now...
  7. michaelw1

    Not happy

    Dear x10 hosting support , I'm writing this to inform you that I've posted two question on your forum and still have not gotten any answers . I've been a using of your free service since 2015 and would think you help your users a lot better then you are . I'm asking to talk to the ceo of this...
  8. michaelw1

    No tech support

    Where is the tech support when you need then? I've been trying to get help for my site as wordpress as stop working . Please help
  9. michaelw1

    Website restore reqeset

    Dear x10hosting hosting . I've reloaded wordpress but the new fresh page load isn't there can some restore my website for me please . the site i need restored is
  10. michaelw1

    File Permissions check

    Dear x10hosting , can you please check my File Permissions as I've been getting a Forbidden You don’t have permission to access / on this server The site is working now but I'm not about to post updates to my site . Thank you
  11. michaelw1

    Wordpress not working

    Just letting everyone one that wordpress has stop working on this service . And every time you try to reinstall it the admin panel will not load .
  12. michaelw1


    My website is getting this error message Forbidden You don't have permission to access / on this server. Additionally, a 403 Forbidden error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request. Not sure how to fix this need help . I can't reload wordpress again until...
  13. michaelw1

    Error Message When trying to access cpanel

    When you are trying to access your cpanel . you get this this error message as I have enclosed in this post What is this error and how can it be fixed Thank you
  14. michaelw1

    Resource Limit error

    I'm getting a Resource Limit reached message. And the Cpancel don't work . can you help thanks
  15. michaelw1

    Not seeing website

    I'm not seeing my wordpress website all i see is a white screen on the web browser. It was working this morning
  16. michaelw1

    unmetered disk space request

    I'm Writing this letter to ask for unmeattered disk space for my website My current disk space used is 35.56 MB / 512 MB. I've Been a Member of your service since June of 2014 Thank you
  17. michaelw1

    Add-on domain's don't work

    The add-on domain for my account don't work at all . I get the following error (XID 4gvs3q) Sorry, the domain is already pointed to an IP address that does not appear to use DNS servers associated with this server. Please transfer the domain to this servers nameservers or have your...
  18. michaelw1

    Mx records

    I word like to set up my domains mx records for email. not sure where to start . again i have a .tk domain . I was using google but would like to no the steps for have my domain email point over to this server. Thank you:):)
  19. michaelw1

    site not working due to ip address

    Dear x10 hosting I'm writing to inform you that my website doesn't work under the following ip address After having to reload my website 3 times and getting errors this is getting old . Help me now Ps very mad user
  20. michaelw1

    website error from google

    I'm getting this odd error message from google now when i edit my website Snapshot I'm not sure how to fix this . Note: if you reload wordpress it fixes the problem but not for long