Search results

  1. Fedlerner

    Problema página en blanco.

    Debido a el constante abuso de varios usuarios, se tubo que tomar una medida, y la función fsockopen() fue deshabilitada. Por el momento podemos habilitarla para cada cuenta solamente en el servidor "cossacks". Si están alojados en este servidor, y necesitan esta función habilitada, posteen la...
  2. Fedlerner

    Problemas con dominios/subdominios.

    Esto es para las cuentas del servidor: Ad-Free Server(Ciroc) Con la actualización del servidor surgieron algúnos problemas con las entradas de los dominios y sub-dominios. Los archivos están ahí, pero la entrada de estos puede estar mal configurada. Si tienen algún problema con el...
  3. Fedlerner

    How to insert ads in WordPress

    Insterting the ads in WordPress is really easy, you just need to edit one file. For the Corporate plan: You'll need to edit the header.php that is located in the "wp-content/themes/YOURTHEME" (Where I put YOURTHEME, it should be the theme you're using). You can edit the file by using an FTP...
  4. Fedlerner

    *IMPORTANTE* Transferencia de servidor.

    Han creado muchos temas sobre los errores que se han estado dando en las cuentas. Esto se debe a que se están moviendo los servidores (Pueden leer mas en: Para cuando esto termine, los errores no aparecerán...
  5. Fedlerner

    Vincular la cuenta *Necesario*

    La traducción al Español del mensaje escrito por Corey: Saludos!
  6. Fedlerner

    x10 v3

    La v3 de x10hosting ya está funcionando!! Les dejo una traducción de lo que escribió Corey en las Noticias: Saludos y a disfrutar de la v3!
  7. Fedlerner

    [ALL COUNTRIES]175 points per signup

    This offer is valid for almost ALL COUNTRIES. All you need to do is to create an account, fill out some forms and confirm the email you will receive. The info can be fake. When you complete it, take a screenshot of the email you get...
  8. Fedlerner

    How to insert ads in MediaWiki

    Inserting the Ads in MediaWiki is a bit complicated (it took me a long time to figure it out). You can add before the ad code <div align="center">, and after the code </div> to make it look nicer by centering the ad. For the Corporate plan: You'll need to edit two files, and you can edit the...
  9. Fedlerner

    How to insert ads in...

    You can see the Ads code at: **Please note that we in no way officially support any 3rd party script. You're always urged to seek help from the script creator with any type of modification, this is not something we support, even for placing the ads.** Here...
  10. Fedlerner

    How to insert ads in phpBB

    How to insert ads in phpBB2 Inserting Ads in phpBB is really easy, you've just to edit one file. You can add before the ad code <div align="center">, and after the code </div> to make it look nicer by centering the ad. For the Corporate plan: You'll need to edit one file, and you can edit...
  11. Fedlerner

    How to insert ads in PHP-Nuke

    Inserting the Ads in PHP-Nuke is really easy, you've just to edit one file. You can add before the ad code <div align="center">, and after the code </div> to make it look nicer by centering the ad. For the Corporate plan: You'll need to edit the header.php that is located in the root PHP-Nuke...
  12. Fedlerner

    How to insert ads in SMF

    There are two ways to insert ads in SMF (Simple Machines Forums). Both ways are really simple. In both cases, you can add before the ad code <div align="center">, and after the code </div> to make it look nicer by centering the ad. Download the "Ad Management mod" that you can find by clicking...
  13. Fedlerner

    Points to register [USA ONLY]

    I need some people to register and confirm their mails in some webs: ONLY FOR PEOPLE FROM USA In both links, where it says "YOURNICKHERE", you've to put your forum user. DO THIS, IF NOT I CAN'T CONFIRM THAT YOU COMPLETED THE OFFER. For this registration you'll get 100 points...
  14. Fedlerner

    1500 points for an offer.

    I'm paying 1500 points for an US member to do the following offer from Mobile Sidewalk: I'm currently accepting 2 offers as i don't have more points.
  15. Fedlerner

    Bush daughter robbed.

    One of Bush daughter was robbed on Wensday in Argentina. Someone robbed her purse.. She was being protected by some Secret Service agents, and no one realized it after some minutes. For the complete news visit:
  16. Fedlerner

    DNS problems.

    If you get errors when trying to Park or Addon a domain such as: Or you get a cPanel page when you try to enter your domain, post your domain here for a Staff member to help you. ONLY POST IF YOU HAVE THIS PROBLEM, USERS THAT SPAM THIS THREAD WILL GET AN INFRACTION. Please complete the...
  17. Fedlerner

    1500 points to do my....

    1000 points to do my.... I'm making a copy of Señor's post :D I'm giving 1000 points for the first one to do my mobile sidewalk offer. The link is: Good Luck, fedlerner
  18. Fedlerner

    Juegos viejos..

    Bueno, abro este thread para que comenten los juegos VIEJOS que seguirían jugando. Juegos que por mas que tengan graficos truchos, siguen ocupando una parte en su corazón.. ajajajaj :P Bue... Los juegos viejos que yo jugaba, y que me encantan y lo seguiría jugando son... Monkey Island... ALTO...
  19. Fedlerner

    Google Pack.

    Check it yourself at: Another positive for Google :)
  20. Fedlerner

    Nice trick :P

    Copy this: javascript:R=0; x1=.1; y1=.05; x2=.25; y2=.24; x3=1.6; y3=.24; x4=300; y4=200; x5=300; y5=200; DI=document.images; DIL=DI.length; function A(){for(i=0; i<DIL; i++){DIS=DI[ i ].style; DIS.position='absolute'; DIS.left=Math.sin(R*x1+i*x2+x3)*x4+x5...