Search results

  1. xav0989

    HDD upgrade

    I currently own a 250gb harddrive, and it's at about 200gb full. I am thinking of buying an additional 500gb/1tb HDD. It's all SATA. Here is a full page of models I could get. Which one do you suggest? (no price limit, I want best quality/price)...
  2. xav0989

    Use of the report button

    Although this thread is principally target at more senior users (lieutenant and up, staff), anyone can participate. Have you noticed that recently, the number of spam messages has gone up? I myself, who had used the report button once before recently, used it three times in the past hours. I...
  3. xav0989

    1000th post party

    In the line of leafypiggy, I invite you to my 1000th post party. (please RSVP) It's in about 300 posts.
  4. xav0989

    Updating testimonials

    I was browsing over the website the other day (don't ask why) when I landed on the testimonials page. I clicked on a few links to check out the websites, and happily I found: 1 parked domain 1 cPanel success page 1 suspended account 1 website hosted with another company 1 domain available...
  5. xav0989

    Ajax ads

    Ads aren't the fastest loading things on earth, and sometimes, it affects the loading time of the whole page. We have to rely on tricks to make the ads load after the page has completely loaded. Therefore, it would help greatly if the ads were loaded through AJAX. This way, the page loading...
  6. xav0989

    perl flags on X10

    As I am currently getting back to perl, I'd like to know what flags to use to ensure that there is no errors when executing the script?
  7. xav0989

    PostGreSQl Developer needed!

    I am currently searching for a postgresql developer to work on a project. The project is called UniDB. It is a database abstraction layer. I already have a mysql and mysqli layer, but I am gettting some problems with the pgsql layer. If you want to help me out, send me a PM.
  8. xav0989

    Piwik installation

    I am trying to install Piwik (a sort of google analytics) on my server, but I'm getting an error. Pdo and Pdo_Mysql isn't enabled. Can someone tell me a workaround, or is it better to post a support ticket?
  9. xav0989

    How to insert ads in BUGS 2

    In the top directory of your bugs installation, find the directory called 'include'. In there, find the file called ''. Open it. Find the line <td style="width: auto;">(line 127 or so). Add the line <div id="pubs_top" style="float: left; padding: 5px;"><script...
  10. xav0989

    Testcase for UniDB

    I am not sure where to exactly put this thread, so I've put it here. Basically what I am asking is some tester to test out a php database connection layer I'm writing. As the time of posting, only the mysqli part is fully implemented, put the mysql, pgsql and mssql parts are working, though...
  11. xav0989

    500 error when running perl

    I am trying to run google sitemap generator (in perl) from the cgi-bin directory. However, I get a 500 error. If have a shebang line, so I don't see any other obvious problem. Is there a way I could have access to apache error log? (the one in cPanel doesn't show those kind of error.
  12. xav0989

    Separating Code from Content

    I've seen some tutorials, some programs, etc. that mix up content (html in this case) and code (php here). For instance, they would start an IF clause, close the php tags, put in some html, reopen the php tags and close the IF block. I find this practice bad, because the code and the content...
  13. xav0989

    htaccess, mod_rewrite, 404?

    I have a piece of code to rewrite pages from "/page/page_name" to "/index.php?page=page_name", but I get a 404 error instead: Options +FollowSymLinks RewriteEngine on RewriteBase / ## some other www and /index.php to / redirection ## Page name redirect RewriteRule ^page/[a-zA-Z0-9_]*...
  14. xav0989

    Rewrite engine problem

    I have a small SEO snippet in my htaccessRewriteRule ^(.*?).html$ ^/index.php?page=$1 [L] Which is supposed to redirect requests like '' to ''. However, I get a 404 error instead.
  15. xav0989

    Domain control error

    I created an add-on domain recently, but when I try to log into it, or to modify anything liked with it, I get an error:
  16. xav0989

    Custom domain doesn't work

    When I try to add the domain to my addon domains, it tells me that the domain is already configured, but it's not showing up in the list, and I get the cpanel message when I browse to Please go check...
  17. xav0989


    I am currently building up a simple, small and fast CMS system. I would greatly appreciate if anyone would want to help out. It is hosted on sourceforge, and it's called eaCyMS. Afroxav
  18. xav0989

    Emails not sending

    I am using Pear's Mail class. I tried to use sendmail and smtp, but neither of them work. Edit: now, I get a script execution time out error!
  19. xav0989

    HTTP not working

    I can't see my website, just a cpanel message. and when I go to a specific webpage, I see x10hosting 404 error message, not even the one I made. However, the server seems to be fully up.
  20. xav0989

    SFTP not working

    Is SFTP working, because I can't connect to it. Error: Authentication failed. Error: Critical error Error: Could not connect to server I am on stoli, ad-enhanced account