Search results

  1. Sharky

    Uninstalling IE8

    Trying to update from a previous version of IE8 to the new beta, I discovered there to be no entry on the list of programs to uninstall for IE. Found this, and it might be of use to someone else: FORFILES /P %WINDIR%\servicing\Packages /M Microsoft-Windows-InternetExplorer-8*.mum /c "cmd /c...
  2. Sharky

    Something wrong, control panel freezes...

    Whenever I go to the Game Controllers control panel in vista to set up my game controller, it just randomly freezes and I have to sit around twiddling my thumbs until it comes back to life again. This has happened with my current XBOX 360 controller, and my old Thrustmaster one as well, so it...
  3. Sharky

    Urgent: Pc Broken, Help Me Please!

    Urgent: PC Broken, 2,000 credits if you can Help Me Please! Important Hardware Notes: Windows is installed on a SATA RAID array striped over two drives. Windows does not come with the drivers, so I need to use the ones downloaded from the Silicon Image website (it's a SiI 3132) Symptoms...
  4. Sharky

    Screwed up TV

    I bought a S-Video to SCART adapter to take the image from my PCs TV out to my TV and unless I turn the colour all the way down in the TV settings, the colour for the image shown on the TV aren't right. A slight workaround has been to crank up the saturation level in the nVidia control panel...
  5. Sharky

    AMAZING Baseball catch
  6. Sharky

    ID card schemes

    What are your thoughts on national ID cards? Do you have them in your country? Do you think they work? Latest NO2ID Newsletter I personally think there are advantages and disadvantages, but because it's a government scheme, it'll be one monumental cock up, with lasting repercussions. My...
  7. Sharky

    Inspiring story about a Marine and Puppy

    Remember reading this back when we had a subscription to RD And you can view alternate pictures using the thumbnails on the left of the main photo. It's quite a long article, the printable view shows it all on one page, but no photographs...
  8. Sharky

    Newsletter Competition - May 28th, 2008

    The competition this week is in the process of being activated, so please keep checking back at . As an addenum, please note that the double-everything prizes can only be applied to Free accounts. Competition has been closed If you have yet...
  9. Sharky

    x10Radio Credits Giveaway

    x10Radio mega credits giveaway! In the next few hours, DJ-Crazy (Chris73) will give away over 3,500 x10 credits away just for listening and answering some simple questions! Tune in to x10radio at, and sign in to the official x10radio IRC channel at...