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  1. Russ

    **attention - Support Chat Now Available! !!attention!!

    !!ATTENTION!! X10 is now going to offer a chat support system. This system is a trial system to see how it works out. If all goes well, it will remain. Attention: Users requesting help and who want to try this system, Go to the chat room located at and...
  2. Russ

    Just a note on Nextel..

    Okay.. To those who use nextel, They have the i580, the supposedly "indestructible" phone.. It isn't.. have a friend who has been through 6 of these, in the last 3 months.. I have the verizon indestructible phone, we wanted to test 'em.. Lets just say mine won.. His didn't stand up to my...
  3. Russ

    I know this is brought up alot, however..

    There have been some users asking about the error pages, I understand x10 uses them for advertising, which is a good idea. What are the chances of x10 allowing custom error pages, and requiring ads on them, or forcing ads on them.. Like, somehow require the pages to be stored in an /errorpage...
  4. Russ

    Okay, this is getting annoying..

    I am quite confident in what I say when I help users, if I can't answer it for sure, I will search for an answer, if I still can't answer it, I wont answer it. Now, to the annoying part.. I am getting tired of others posting under me saying the exact same thing, or posting saying that I am...
  5. Russ

    Where did I see this?

    Last week sometime I stumbled onto a page that listed x10 staff, where is this page at? I can't find it anymore. (Is this off-topic enough?) ;)
  6. Russ

    Account suspended..

    Hello, Please reactivate my account.. login/member name is rpope904. thanks!