Search results

  1. Slothie

    The best website ever

    Link Removed Its so awesome :lockd::lockd::lockd: It'll PWN YOU
  2. Slothie - The real story

    TV-Links (now dead) is a site which links to sites like Google Video and YouTube, which host clips of TV shows. Today, the Gloucestershire County Council, in association with a group called the FACT, raided the site’s servers and arrested the 26 year old man from Cheltenham who ran the site. A...
  3. Slothie

    Feedback on my blog What do you think? Honest opinions please, I can take criticism :) For those wordpress junkies out there, what good plugins are there to install, its been awhile since I last used wordpress and it seems like I'm rather outdated :(
  4. Slothie

    PHP Multilevel drop down generator class

    <?php //sample usage $drop = new dropper(); $drop->tab = ( '--' ); $drop->generate_drop(); echo $drop->output; //end sample class dropper { public $dbhost; public $dbuser; public $dbpass; public $dbname; public $table; public $parent ; public $desc; public $id...
  5. Slothie

    Has OOP failed?

    There’s no evidence that the OOP approach is efficient for most programming jobs. Indeed Iknow of no serious study comparing traditional, procedure-oriented programming with OOP. Butthere’s plenty of anecdotal evidence that OOP retards programming efforts. Guaranteeconfidentiality and...
  6. Slothie

    Warcraft: The Frozen Throne

    If you play, state which server you play on and your favourite maps Server: US EAST Nick: Slothie Fav Maps: Dota Allstars, Pudge Wars Advance
  7. Slothie

    [TUT] Curl Login

  8. Slothie

    Yet another PHP scripts for credits thread :P

    Unlike others, I don't have a set collection of scripts for sale :( I have tonnes and tonnes of snippets though, so just lemme know what you want and quote a price for 'em. If the price is right I'll do it :P
  9. Slothie

    The Powah Of Da Internutz Researchers who launched an experimental cyber attack caused a generator to self-destruct, alarming the government and electrical industry about what might happen if such an attack were carried out on a larger scale...
  10. Slothie


    I'm new here :D I'm actually looking for a free webhost that supports interbase/firebird so I can continue developing some webware...
  11. Slothie

    Staff pages

    Errr... Your staff pages aren't very well protected, they can still be searched I.e. : Its not nice to think of us as 'losers' :P