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  1. B

    Resolved Backups in DirectAdmin

    Hi, I'm pretty sure that with CPanel there was an option to download/reupload a complete backup of my site (R1Soft/RSoft1/SoftR1 or similar?), but I can't find this anymore. Is there a plan to implement something similar again soon or should I find another way of storing backups now? (I...
  2. B

    Disk space reverted to 512MB

    Hi, Since the transfer to DirectAdmin, I seem to have lost my increased disk space quota, could this be reactivated please (I think I should be eligible for 2GB)? Thanks!
  3. B

    Storage increase

    Hi, I'm currently at just over half my current storage allowance, could I have it doubled please? Thank you! :)
  4. B

    Disk Space

    Can I have unmetered disk space pretty please? I meet all the requirements and would greatly appreciate it, thanks!
  5. B

    Disk Space upgrade

    Any chance I could get the unlimited disk space upgrade as my site is growing towards the 500mb limit. Pretty sure my site meets all the criteria and I have been a member for 2.5yrs. Cheers!
  6. B

    Can't use my database as out of disk space

    Hi, I posted about a week ago when I noticed I was really close to me disk space limit ( I didn't want to bump it in case there's a queue!). I've now gone over it and can't use my database, making it a bit tricky to find and delete the files that aren't being used - and I'd rather not have to...
  7. B

    Disk space increase

    Hi, I have had my account for ages and have noticed I am now approaching the disk space limit, could you upgrade me to unrestricted please? Thank you!