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  1. P

    Please relink old account to new account

    I've had my account for 12 years (thanks! ;)) and now I was trying to log in to update my website. The last time I logged in must have been two years ago. However, none of my usual passwords seemed to work, neither for the panel of the forums. And when tried to use the reset password form, I...
  2. P

    Resolved email send getting errors (but not collecting)

    I'm having the exact same issue. Sent emails bounce with the message "TLS Negotiation failed, the certificate doesn't match the host". Worked fine 2 days ago. I can receive emails correctly with the same address.
  3. P

    Resolved Help with creating new domain e-mail address redirection

    Hi, I'd like to create a new e-mail address with my domain name, that forwards to a Gmail account. Is this something you could help me with? Via PM maybe? Thank you
  4. P

    Resolved Site Down: "Apache functioning normally"

    Hi, My website hasn't been working for a few days now. Neither my e-mail address associated to my domain name. Can't login to cPanel either. Could you get my website and email back up, please? My domain name is using your DNS: If you need any more info...
  5. P

    10MB file size limit?

    Hi there. I've just noticed that a lot of files I had hosted have been deleted because of being larger than 10MB, your new filesize limit. Would it be possible to change this size limit from 10MB to 20MB? This would really mean a great thing in my life, seriously. From a person who's been using...
  6. P

    Email Forwarding Not Working

    Hello, I've just setup a few forwarders to go to my Gmail account, yet none of them works. Weird thing is I don't even get an error mail message when I send it. The message just goes nowhere. Could you please help me out? As you may see, I'm trying to forward 3 addresses to my 1 Gmail account...