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  1. Jammer400

    Preferred Support Method

    I personally like the ticket system since i get a email when there is a new reply instead of having to check back on the forums so often and plus you don't have to worry about the staff missing your topic. I also like Live Support when available. :) Good job x10! I will stay with you forever...
  2. Jammer400

    Always offline

    Hey, I just wanted to comment that your not alone. I'm having the same problem for about 1 week now. :(
  3. Jammer400

    Email Saying Suspended Without Ads But Ad-Free Account?

    I got this email from x10hosting saying my account was inactive because i did not have ads but i'm ad-free? Message says: Topic: x10 Exchange - Your account is inactive Email sender: Hello Brandon, You've had no impressions in the last 7 days. Please go to...
  4. Jammer400

    Transfer MySQL Database

    Well, See I need to download the database so i can switch it to another server but i can't. How can i? Edit: Never Mind! This issue has been resolved !;)
  5. Jammer400

    absoult.x10 HTTP is Offline

    Thank you Christopher. Hopefully a administrator will come online soon. :biggrin:
  6. Jammer400

    absoult.x10 HTTP is Offline

    Hello x10hosting Staff, I don't know what's wrong but absoult.x10 HTTP has been Offline for about 45 minutes now. I have been patient to see if they would post a announcement or go back online but i can't wait. I hope this get's fixed soon!
  7. Jammer400

    Ads problem

    I got this in email: Hello Brandon, You joined our ads system 7 ago but created no one ad yet. Please go to and create your ads as soon as possible. Can i unsucribe?
  8. Jammer400

    Ads problem

    I joined the ad group but i'm ad free. Can i not put adds on my site? Like unsuscribe?
  9. Jammer400

    absoult.x10 problem

    It Says: Absolut.x10 ServicesStatus HTTPOnline FTPOnline S-FTPOnline MySQLOnline cPanelOffline S-cPanelOffline POP3Online S-POP3Online SSHOnline Cached Server Stats Why is the cpanel and s-Cpanel Offline?
  10. Jammer400


    It won't work. I'm still getting the normal message. Edit: I Wonder what's wrong. May i have help quick? Edit: Hello?
  11. Jammer400


    Is There any way to edit the forbidden sign when you ban someone's ip?
  12. Jammer400

    Site Not Working?

    Never Mind. This Issue Has Been Resolved.
  13. Jammer400

    Site Not Working?

    My Site is not loading the homepage. But it does not have a problem with loading the forums. Server: absoult.x10
  14. Jammer400


    When I Ban Someone's IP from my site...It Says "404 Forbidden". Is There Anyway Where i can edit that message? Edit: I Need Help Quick.
  15. Jammer400


    Well, I Am Doing The Update Myself And It Says: Database server hostname or DSN: DSN stands for Data Source Name and is relevant only for ODBC installs. What's The Hostname?
  16. Jammer400


    Ok. Thanks. It Now Works. But In System Admin PHPBB It Says: Your version of phpBB is not up to date. Below you will find a link to the release announcement for the latest version as well as instructions on how to perform the update. Current version3.0.0 Latest version3.0.1...
  17. Jammer400


    Oh, So Will It Be Alright After That? Because I Can't Even Get In The Forum Admin. P.S- Why Do You Keep Going On And Offline?
  18. Jammer400


    I Signed Up For Intermediate At 7:45 Or Sometime Around There And Got Approved At 8:00 PM. The Forum Domain Is:
  19. Jammer400


    Thanks. It Worked. But Now I Have Another Problem It Says: Fatal error: SUHOSIN - Use of eval is forbidden by configuration in /home/jammer40/public_html/forums/includes/functions_module.php(328) : eval()'d code on line 328 What Does That Mean?
  20. Jammer400


    I Was Wondering If x10hosting Provides PHPBB3 Forums. I Really Want To Add It. Edit: I Really Need Help Quick. Thanks.