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  1. Marwen

    Need help setting up my newsletter!

    Did this but nothing changed. Still getting the same message when attempting to subscribe to the newsletter: " Email FAILED. Check with your host provider if your server uses MAIL or SMTP for sending mails. If SMTP is used, get the smtp settings from your host provider, go to EZGenerator -->...
  2. Marwen

    Need help setting up my newsletter!

    Sorry Brandon, can you tell me how can I do that? Thanks alot
  3. Marwen

    Need help setting up my newsletter!

    No it isn't. This is weird..
  4. Marwen

    Need help setting up my newsletter!

    I tried that but it didn't seem to fix the problem, any suggestions please? Thanks in advance.
  5. Marwen

    Need help setting up my newsletter!

    That's it? I could've never guessed. Ok I've just submitted my request. Thank you fedlerner! :) My best, Edit: I successfully got version 2 of PHP, but now I'm getting the followng error when trying to subscribe: --------------------------------------------- Email FAILED. Check with your...
  6. Marwen

    Need help setting up my newsletter!

    Hello, I created a website recently using a wysiwyg software called EzGenerator. I set up a newsletter which is a feature that the program allows, it needed some details which I entered as follows (see attachment): PHP mail settings: Host: Port: 25...
  7. Marwen

    Introducing myself

    Thank you! I will ;)
  8. Marwen

    Introducing myself

    Thank you very much everyone. Cheers
  9. Marwen

    hello from me

    Hello crazedchris, You will find the link to your cpanel provided in the email you recieved when you signed up. Cheers
  10. Marwen

    Introducing myself

    Hello there, My name is Marwen and I'm new to x10Hosting. I'm a classical music/film-score composer, and I'm hosting my personal website via x10's great hosting services. That is where I will be sharing some of my scores for free, strictly for non-profit educational ends/personal use. I admit...