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  1. antisho2

    Whatever update happened broke Dokuwiki

    They are static. They work fine on my new host. Something exploded on your servers the last couple days and several sites seem to be affected.
  2. antisho2

    Help! Site down - Front and back end errors

    I'm done with x10. Good luck to all.
  3. antisho2

    Site opens, but does not show content

    Having similar issues here: They enabled, disabled, changed, or misimproved something.
  4. antisho2

    Whatever update happened broke Dokuwiki

    This should work: But every time it loads different images display and others fail to. I have to copy from deep inside my dokuwiki to a static folder and load the images that way. Like so: I use this to copy...
  5. antisho2

    Getting php errors in error.log

    looks like a RAM or disk space issue. I'm on xo7
  6. antisho2

    Getting php errors in error.log

  7. antisho2

    Pages are loading partially

    Loading the same page produces random results. Worst case: The php process is timing out or something to that effect.
  8. antisho2

    Help! Site down - Front and back end errors

    @Dead-i: reload this page and images will randomly fail, even though they're fine individually.
  9. antisho2

    Help! Site down - Front and back end errors

    @Dead-i: reload this page and images will randomly fail, even though they're fine individually.
  10. antisho2

    Help! Site down - Front and back end errors

    @Dead-i my pages are now randomly partially loading like they're prematurely finishing, but all the images are loading fine individually.
  11. antisho2

    Help! Site down - Front and back end errors

    @Dead-i It's fine now.
  12. antisho2

    Help! Site down - Front and back end errors

    xo7 cpanel works, but I'm getting these document root not found and 503 errors varnish cache is having guru meditation and we're back nice work
  13. antisho2

    Change subdomain

    OMGWTFWALLHAX How do I have a post with two same message ids?
  14. antisho2

    Change subdomain

    'tis me. Ok so yes would like it changed to avalon5 (username too if possible). I see, so you use parked domains as aliases. Can they be cloudflared for SSL if they're parked?
  15. antisho2

    Change subdomain

    'tis me. Ok so yes would like it changed to avalon5 (username too if possible). I see, so you use parked domains as aliases. Can they be cloudflared for SSL if they're parked?