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  1. goldy30

    Put in right place? Need help naming correct tables for msql

    Well I'm going to need a secure log in as the owner anyway to modify page content and if need be users signature and details. So an owners back end and no back end for the user ya reckon? I can see how that could work. Have a button saying sign petition --> Takes them to a page where they fill...
  2. goldy30

    Put in right place? Need help naming correct tables for msql

    Yeah, I know, it's MYSQL... I'm not sure I've got this in the right spot... but here it is anyway. I'm making a site for a cause to change the law... like petition site, but only users can only sign my petition. Not create one or anything like that, just sign mine. I need to know what...
  3. goldy30

    what is a iframe

    I had to make a site for Tafe which included using an iframe. You basically set the width and height of the frame which is a tag like this <iframe></iframe> and from there you can give the iframe a src to another page so when your page loads, the iframe will open the external page into the same...
  4. goldy30

    New website design, uncomplete, but amazing!

    I'd have to agree with trixter. There's nothing really to it bar the flairy header. You haven't displayed any form or talent with the layout as a web designer and I was wondering if you were going to have navigation? Simple web templates at least display header, navigation, body and sometimes a...
  5. goldy30

    What is the best designed site you've seen?

    What is the best designed website you've seen? ...which was a question asked to us at Tafe. I found this site and it still gets me thinking Wow... Awsome!! Very very nice site. Whats yours? ****************** Also, I tried to use a whole image similar to 2advanced...
  6. goldy30

    Your thoughts - Web design (header only)

    wow... didn't see as much wrong there as you guys have. I do see the blurriness of the logos and even the white text on the blue bar in the nav. I never knew about png's that much. I've only experimented once with png to use as a transparent bg. Good to know though. I'll try again. Thanks!
  7. goldy30

    Your thoughts - Web design (header only)

    Yes, I do see what you mean with the accreditation logos... they just fit up there nice at the time and everything across the top is also links to something so home, site map and contact icons, and further to the right top corner, a login for the owner was something I've seen on a lot of sites...
  8. goldy30

    site banned in google

    You need to check your pages for duplicate content. That means if you've copied content from another site google see's that it is duplicate and won't index your pages, but rather put them in the supplemental index. Enter your url in CopyScape and you can see what words are duplicate...
  9. goldy30

    Question about design

    I've heard similar opinions about copying other web designs before. Some people say that even if you are copying the design, but make it up layer by layer in PS, it's technically a new creation. Some people might say it's stealing but I've done it. Mostly for the template or layout but changing...
  10. goldy30

    Team Falcon RuneScape Art

    I like the text, lighten the gradient into back at the top so you can read team a bit better... and the sword does get in the way... and the dude doesn't look good enough for the text, change the dude, maybe it'd look good with some red evil eyes centered and talons coming out either side?? Not...
  11. goldy30

    Javascript Help

    Thats not quite what I'm after... It need to check in order of each input in the form, then I need an alert to pop up if either one of the radio buttons isn't checked, otherwise return true and check the next input.
  12. goldy30

    Javascript Help

    I was doing it through my editor and hadn't put it up yet I realize. I'll upload now. I really need to get this figured out asap... quickly!! Here's you reference though var gender = document.getElementById('gender'); if (checkGender(gender, "Please choose your Gender: Male or Female" )){...
  13. goldy30

    Javascript Help

    With the way this script is I've tried to add in radio button validation but im unsure of this. It's all under gender... the id of the radio buttons is gender and I semi familiar with if ( ( gender[0].checked == false ) && ( gender[1].checked == false ) ) { alert ( "Please choose your Gender...
  14. goldy30

    Javascript Help

    I'm not very good at debugging although I've gone over it till by eyes started bleeding. It seems right but its not even calculating onClick?? Could someone tell me where I went wrong so I know? INVESTMENT Create an application that allows a Customer to enter an initial deposit (for...
  15. goldy30

    starwars opening scrolling text - Javascript

    Does anyone know javascript that simulates the starwars opening scrolling text? :dunno: E.g. Long long ago in a galaxy far far away.... etc. I want it in Javascript only. Contact me on msn. :biggrin:
  16. goldy30

    Please help over msn - mysql & php

    I'm trying to set up a login where it allows two different access levels. members login will display a members area link... admin login displays both members and admin area links. Also once logged in a wecome message appears and echos the users email. It's half done but I've got problems and...
  17. goldy30

    Contact over msn to help fix my problem

    I'm trying to insert title and blurb into the database but it's not working. It's actually code which someone else gave me. Still learning. Heres what I have: <?php include ("../"); ?> <?php $pageid=$_POST["pageid"]; $details = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT pagename, blurb...
  18. goldy30

    I can't retrieve info from db to display on page??

    Ive had help and fixed some of the problem. I didn't understand about the pages_id=$id... I thought the $id stayed that way but the person who helped me changed it to '0'. $query = "SELECT * FROM pages WHERE pages_id='0'"; Now I need help with inserting title and blurb in the pages...
  19. goldy30

    MYSQL - backend admin enter blurb in textarea to display on front end

    No, not every time a petition is submitted. This part is specifically for admin to write their own content to the page. That way if the written content on the page is old and out of date, later they can go and edit it themselves. I think I could add the page names manually and If later the...
  20. goldy30

    MYSQL - backend admin enter blurb in textarea to display on front end

    This is good, I was having trouble making the connection for quite some time but I still need a couple of things sorted out. Talking to my teacher, who never seems to have enough time for me, she suggested that I keep an input for the title on the page as well as the text area (blurb). "You...