Search results

  1. o0slowpaul0o

    Yahoo Booters

    before I get started has anyone seen any Yahoo Booters? Or got booted... Only wondering, because the other day me and my friend were doing a Flash project and others PHP Coding for the Online Flash game. I did 700 layers and 850 frames of Flash work. I had to get on Yahoo to find Ricky, next...
  2. o0slowpaul0o

    Few Suggestions

    Ok, I starting to make my Blog Hosting site, all thats left is the template, before I do that I would like some feature suggestions from you guys, even if you don't use it or not. Here some of the stuff I have now: 1. Instant publishing 2. Over 25 default templates (More comming) 3...
  3. o0slowpaul0o

    Unstand PHP?

    Your first PHP-enabled page Create a file named hello.php and put it in your web server's root directory (DOCUMENT_ROOT) with the following content: ????? 2-1. Our first PHP script: hello.php <html> <head> <title>PHP Test</title> </head> <body> <?php echo '<p>Hello World</p>'...
  4. o0slowpaul0o

    PHP/MySQL Search Engine

    In this tutorial I will show you how to make a fully function search for your database. This tutorial uses "LIKE $search" Why? Because some people will search with more than one word and if they search for say three words then it will search the database for those three words in exact order...
  5. o0slowpaul0o

    Sig Of The Week

    This was a Tutorial written to speed up the process of creating, judging, and managing a SOTW competition (specifically for GFX sites). My friend requested this so, he let me make it public. Quick Features: - Easily customized - Unlimited number of weeks - One-click judging - Automatic...
  6. o0slowpaul0o

    Make Your Own CMS

    In this tutuorial I will show you how you can make your own basic but easy to update CMS. It will include making navigation, site stats, login system, news and whatever you want as extra on the side (such as a shoutbox or an affiliate rotator). First we will be making the .inc (include files)...
  7. o0slowpaul0o

    ContactUs v3

    Yup, its yet another version. I have been wroking on this for some time, encountered a few errors, should be fine now. I have not tested it cause I don't have time. Soon I done posting this I'm out with my girlfriend on vacation. :) Theres about 25 php files, so I won't be posting codes...
  8. o0slowpaul0o

    Random Image

    requires PHP. Its only accepts the Images of .gif .jpg and .png... You may save this as anything, some parts of the code you have to edit, messages and image dir's. Upload it to the root dir. <?php // Image Randomiser script by o0slowpaul0o of x10hosting. //...
  9. o0slowpaul0o

    Longest Domain name

    The longest domain name so far, 63 characteres and it's german. I didnt count those ones:
  10. o0slowpaul0o

    CSS classes to resize images

    Got bored at College today and decided the fondle about alittle, I didn't know about this untill I did it by an accident. Maybe on other sites, never seen it though. Oh, one thing. Saying stuff like I was looking for somehing like this will be lies. I get it most from my tutorials, sorry for my...
  11. o0slowpaul0o

    Dynamic Error Pages

    HOW TO INSTALL THE SCRIPT: * Copy and paste this whole script into your page where you would like your error to be displayed. * Change the "" e-mail below to your e-mail address. * Add the following lines to your .htaccess file (change the location of your...
  12. o0slowpaul0o

    Template engine with PHP

    How to use PHP to make a template system with static header/footer. Abstract: First we assume that we have a root folder and that all the files we need are in it. Let's say that we have header.html, footer.html, content1.html, content2.php, main.html, and finally error.html. Our goal is to...
  13. o0slowpaul0o

    Few IPB Tutorials

    Color Member Names In PM's Open up: sources/messenger.php Find: $html = $this->html->Render_msg( $msg, $member, $this->jump_html ); Add above: $member['name'] =...
  14. o0slowpaul0o

    Contact Form v2

    I recoded another contact form, I made it more secure and now you have multiple choices of people to e-mail. Things you need edit be in read. Open up a text edit and put this code in. <? $program = "Contact Us"; $GLOBALS['template'] = "Change to page (Such as template.html or something...
  15. o0slowpaul0o

    Tell a Friend

    Before I be gone for a long while, I will be back so Admins please don't delete me. Anyway. Open up a text editor and put this code in: <!--Tell a Friend By o0slowpaul0o Of x10Hosting--> <html><head> <title>Tell a Friend By o0slowpaul0o Of x10hosting</title> <?php $sub="Check Out...
  16. o0slowpaul0o

    Contact Form

    Today i be giving this out of how create your own contact form. Now this code is the e-mail form code. You must save it ass contact.php. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html> <head> <meta...
  17. o0slowpaul0o

    [PHP] Navigation

    Have you seen the URL where they say index.php?content=home and where the index page stays and the content change, here is a small tutorial where I will explain this. In the index.php file, you shall add this code before the <html> tags: <?php $content = $_GET['content']; if($content ==...
  18. o0slowpaul0o

    Land Down under Demo

    I'm sorry I haven't been on lately due to the lack of College work, but anyway I noticed people are mainly convinced by PHPNuke, which to me ain't that great, due to its slowness and crappy security and due to the massive problems I seen people get. So after that I have decided to do a demo...
  19. o0slowpaul0o

    Forum Bot

    I was wondering......For the spam section, could you set up an Bot? Theres a hack for vBulletion called Alicebot, it replys to the user soon they post. Be better than nothing?
  20. o0slowpaul0o

    [PHP] Creating a File Upload Script

    Recently someone asked for an Upload script, so here you go, out my pure PHP. First we need to create the database table with the following SQL: CREATE TABLE `uploads` ( `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `whenuploaded` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'...