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  1. mycamgirl

    Connection error (again)

    Yes, that's right. I'm on Lotus. I guess I will have to wait. By the way... it is happening now again :(
  2. mycamgirl

    Connection error (again)

    Hi, I would write this on that thread I created few days ago rather than create a new thread, but that old one was closed. Anyway... the problem came back. When I started writing this post I was getting the same error message, but then it was working again and I canceled the thread creation...
  3. mycamgirl

    Connection Error

    I don't know if unknownstorm got that error while trying to access my site, but now it is working fine. However, I still don't know if it was a server issue or if it was my ISP.
  4. mycamgirl

    Connection Error

    Hi, From time to time I get this error message when I try to access my site. ERROR The requested URL could not be retrieved While trying to retrieve the URL: The following error was encountered: Connection Failed The system returned...
  5. mycamgirl

    repeating backgound

    Are you asking for a CSS code to repeat the image or how to make the image on Fireworks?
  6. mycamgirl

    hyperlinks download the file rather than displaying it though the browser.

    I'm also getting this error. I didn't say nothing before because I preferred to wait till someone from support give an answer. But now that the people is saying it is solved, I have to say something. It is not solved here :( I'm on Lotus.x10. The server status says that Apache, Exim, cPanel...
  7. mycamgirl

    Host php code for an adult blog

    No, the PHP files will be used for stats (accessing the db) and just redirecting to other page. The adult content will be on the blog server. Edit: So, I guess it is ok and I can create an account.
  8. mycamgirl

    Host php code for an adult blog

    Hi, I know it is not allowed to use x10hosting server to host porn content. But it is allowed to use the server just for hosting some PHP files which will be used by a adult blog? It means that the x10hosting server will not have any photo or video, only PHP files. The files will be just to...