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  1. S

    How to use my own domain name instead

    hi tks! another newbie 2 questions... 1. once the change has taken place, am i right to say that in cPanel left column, i should see under "Stats" the main domain name should reflect my own domain name? 2. when that happens, do i need to create a sub-folder in /public_html with my own...
  2. S

    How to use my own domain name instead

    hi i've just changed it using the AMP just wondering if the change is immediate or do i have to wait for some time because i tried visiting my own domain address but it can't access... keeps getting can't display webpage... however the previous domain is...
  3. S

    How to use my own domain name instead

    Hi, I'm rather new to setting up web sites. I would like to use my own domain name instead of What must I do in cPanel? I've already set the Name Servers as and Thanks!
  4. S

    Need Help To Reset SQL Database to 3

    Hi, I've actually permanently deleted a SQL database such that I now only have 2 but in the cPanel it still said... "ATTENTION: Using 3 out of 3 available MySQL databases. Warning: You are currently using the maximum number of MySQL databases. If you need more please contact your service...