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  1. M

    Important Multi-Account Unblock Requests

    Dear Sirs, i would unlock my account: Thanks
  2. M

    mail account password reset

    Hi all, i am trying to reset password on my account mail in order to signin, but unsuccessfully, because i do not receive the reset email. Please, may you help me? Thanks in advance
  3. M

    FTP fault

    Dear Sirs, in the last days i am not anymore able to operate a FTP towards my site ( using, obviously, the "marcogua" account. Are there any problems? Thanks in advance
  4. M

    Problem accessing ACCOUNT PANEL and SUPPORT PANEL

    Dear Sirs, i can't access the ACCOUNT PANEL ( with my usual USERID. I have tried to use also my e-mail, but it doesn't work. Obviously, i succeed to enter in the FORUM area, with my usual credentials. Do you know about some issue in the ACCOUNT PANEL area...
  5. M

    Account suspended

    Dear Sirs, i am in great trouble because my account MARCOG1956 is suspended. The reason is: your suspension reason code is 8F9AD9469D53; on the panel account is written: NO SITE I don't understand which TERMS OF SERVICE i have violated: i use my account only for testing purpose, i mean, for...
  6. M

    Account suspended

    Dear Sirs, i am in great trouble because my account MARCOG1956 is suspended. The reason is: your suspension reason code is 8F9AD9469D53; on the panel account is written: NO SITE I don't understand which TERMS OF SERVICE i have violated: i use my account only for testing purpose, i mean, for...
  7. M

    Account stopped

    Dear Sirs, today i have found my account stopped (your suspension reason code is 8F9AD9469D53) because of violation of TERMS OF SERVICE. It is very strange, becasuse i have used my site in order to test a MS FRONTPAGE site, that i am studying. Please, may you...