Search results

  1. C

    Xbox or Playstation 3?

    I think that PS 3 it's better than Xbox, because it had a great graphic proccessor and any features those provides a excellent performance. And other disadvantage of the Xbox it's the temperature, doesn't had a good cooler system. In fact, the PS 3, in a specific case, for example in yout...
  2. C

    no entiendo bien esta advertencia

    Qué tal.... El mensaje que te envían es porque tu sitio, ya sea a través de la base de datos, algún script o la cantidad de transferencia de datos, está consumiendo demasiado recursos como procesador y memoria RAM. La recomendación es que revises bien qué es lo que sucede. Si tienes muchos post...
  3. C

    Get non-free software for free

    It`s a nice website :lockd:.... I could get any software that i want withow viruses, spam or other piece of sh..... Goog aportation.... See you
  4. C

    Free Software Suggestions

    Software Category: multimedia player Software Name: KMPlayer Short Description: KMPlayer is one of the most powerful freeware video players we've seen. It includes a vast array of video- and audio-capturing options, as well as skins, a plethora of playback controls and tweaks, and broad DVD...