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  1. E

    Support Staff: Which account is associated with the domain ?

    Hi Anna, if you do a Name Server check then it shows as x10's servers. Could you please re-check it or dwell deeper. Thanks appu.
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    Support Staff: Which account is associated with the domain ?

    Hi Staff, Could you, pls tell me which x10 account is associated with the domain **** Thanks for your help. Regards, Appu.
  3. E

    Error: Support is currently closed for the server your hosting account is on ()

    Ok Thanks Very Much. This thread can be considered closed.
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    Error: Support is currently closed for the server your hosting account is on ()

    Ok thanks. it's all fine now. BTW how can i delete this account since no site is mapped in this account. thanks.
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    Error: Support is currently closed for the server your hosting account is on ()

    Ok Thanks. I was under the impression that the site was mapped to this account so I never logged forums. I logged in with correct account and went through the unsuspension process however my site still does not show up. Could you also kindly tell me which domain is mapped under this...
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    Error: Support is currently closed for the server your hosting account is on ()

    Hy, I have an account for a long time ago, and there was a website hosted on x10hosting. The problem is, when i login and try to access hosting from control page, it reads, "It appears that you do not have hosting under your client account. This could be the result of a different scenarios...
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    CName Update

    Hello Support, I have two domains hosted on your server viz and I request you to please update/change the CName record of the sub-domain "" to point to Please process the request at the earliest and kindly intimate via...
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    PEAR PHP installation/configuration issue

    Pls disregard the previous attachment of PEAR installation in XAMPP. Here is the proper screenshot of the PEAR installation in XAMPP.
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    PEAR PHP installation/configuration issue

    Hi, I am learning PHP. However when I tried to test a script that requires connection to PEAR DB (my first encounter with PEAR) using require_once('db.php') or require_once('MDB2.php')I get the following error: Fatal error: Class 'DB' not found in...
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    Curl Support in PHP v2

    Hi, Is Curl supported/ enabled in PHP v2. When I clicked PHP Upgrades it shows : "This feature is not currently activated on your account. All accounts are set to x10Hosting's PHP v2. If you are not sure what that means, don't worry about it." I have a free account. From what I have learned...
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    How to create image as in the link.

    Hello Trusten, What i meant was how to design a similar strip (on with "Free SMS" written on it) in photoshop and not way to code the image in a web page. I am new to photshop and just aware of the basics. I try to learn photoshop from website tutorials. For e.g...
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    How to create image as in the link.

    Hy Guys, I would like to know how to create the paper strip (with the curl) what ever you may want to call it as shown in the image in photoshop. I have PS 6. Please click the link to see the image. Please provide a tutorial link for creating such a strip...
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    HELP!!Suggestions on HTML Email Design

    Hy Guys, I have set up a web-design firm website. Now I have plans to send out HTML email to potential clients. Initially I plan to target School and Restaurants in my local area. As of now, I am half way in designing a school themed HTML email targeting school principals/ owners/purchase...
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    Linking External Stylesheet in table cell

    Well it is actually possible to link css to a particular table cell however individual cells in itself do not support CSS well enough so for now I will stick to iframes however I am stuck up with another project and when I take this up (very soon) I will post again on how I was able to get...
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    Linking External Stylesheet in table cell

    Well I am not using iframes within the table cell nor I am trying to show someone else's page in that place. Actually I am trying to insert a free coverflow script (one you find in iphone) into the empty area. To this, I have designed a page. The page has a css file and cover flow javascript...
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    Linking External Stylesheet in table cell

    Hi, I have two web pages each with their external stylesheet. I want one to be shown up inside other. I have used tables for the layout. In the lower half of the page I want the second page to appear. Now since I want the other page to appear in the page. I have placed all its contents in the a...
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    JavaScript Code Recognisition

    What is the code found in many web pages and apparently it is almost the same across such pages.(I believe so) <script type="text/javascript"> var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost +...
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    Path to Perl on web server?

    Hi, I want to configure NMS formmail script step-by-step as shown on… I have a free hosting account. When I log-in to my cPanel the Path to Perl is shown as "/usr/bin/perl" however I am unable to locate the exact location/directory or perl module and...
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    Layout HELP!!!

    Please check out the following link in Google Chrome, Firefox and Internet explorer You will find that in internet explorer everything works fine however in firefox and chrome one of the images is not in the correct place thus breaking the aesthetics of the...