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  1. arkansas

    User Groups

    Well I just made my 5th post so I guess I am a registered user now. Although I reckon it will take awhile to make it to forum addict @ 300 posts! :laugh:
  2. arkansas

    Lockerz Invites!

    Heh, yeah, what IS Lockerz? :dunno:
  3. arkansas

    What's your favorite song?

    Where the heck are the country fans!!! :roflwerd:
  4. arkansas

    Godaddy coupon code

    Yes please clarify if the code is indeed valid for 'public use', I'd like to take advantage of this offer.
  5. arkansas

    Hello everyone!

    I also investigated more than a few free hosting sites before deciding this one is by far the best!
  6. arkansas


    I like the site, eye-catching yet fleeting so you gotta pay attention.
  7. arkansas

    Anyone tried Google Chrome?

    Yeah, I found it doesn't work for certain ebay forms when trying to post an auction. I like the browser, but am sticking with FireFox!
  8. arkansas

    Have you ever been banned?

    No, never been banned anywhere1 :biggrin: