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  1. E

    Where is the website builder

    iv been waiting for the website builder in cpanal to come back what happened to it
  2. E


    Welcome to Obamyland he is a joke, the sad thing is the joke is on us. LMFAO
  3. E

    Backup and restore

    Hello, Somehow my entire site appears to be scrambled when I log into it I see nothing but garbled letter, symbols and numbers. And I was looking at the free plan which that is what I am using and I seen that backups are included with it and I am hoping that it can be restored can you tell me...
  4. E

    Resetting Account

    How do i reset my account so i can start over with a new website and does your service still include a website builder and templates. Thank You
  5. E

    sorry, i found it

    thank you but i found it
  6. E

    lost website editor link

    i had lost the link to my website editor i cannot edit my website please can you send me the link thank you
  7. E

    Cpanel login

    thank you that worked
  8. E

    Cpanel login

    i tried to do the Click here to update my password thing and it tel's me. The current account password supplied is not correct.
  9. E

    Cpanel login

    my user name and password does not allow me to login to the cpanel