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  1. J

    can't connect to Cpanel

    the link to acces Cpanel doesn't work ... i'm with chopin...
  2. J


    they talk about MYSQL not about FTP ?
  3. J


    Since yesterday I got problem with my FTP server and I would like to know why is it appening ? And when would I have acces to it again ?
  4. J

    MySQL Problem

    My table are back but they were file in it but its empty now ...
  5. J

    MySQL Problem

    So what's happening, is it working ??
  6. J

    MySQL Problem

    It was working on october 1st for sure. Thanks for your help ! :) Edit: I Hope its going to work :D:D
  7. J

    MySQL Problem

    yes the problem is still there and I Don't undersand why...
  8. J

    MySQL Problem

    I Seen to have lost some table on mySQL Database. When I go in PHP MyAdmin they say I'm supose to have 34 tables and I See only 9 of them. And When I tryed to remake it. They say that they are already There. And it made my Website isn't working at the moment.
  9. J

    MySQL Problem

    I Have some problem with MySQL Database since the maintenance of today at morning. Some Table are missing its saying that their supose to be 34 but theirs only 9 on the list. My Website doesn't word anymore... Edit: I tryed to import it again but it said that They are already there. But I can't...