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  1. mumbhaki

    Php error

    the argument must be a result from mysql_query(),
  2. mumbhaki

    Cron Again

    i'm actually choosing between these commands, so far no luck, php -f script > didnt run php -q script > run but reverted back to basic php, im using advanced, php script > no result yet php-cron -f script > no result yet php-cron -q script > no result yet php-cron script > no result yet
  3. mumbhaki

    Cron Again

    What is the allowed minimum interval for cron? I tried to run a php script every 1 min but it doenst work. 1 * * * * php -q /home/myuser/some.php
  4. mumbhaki


    I just want to know what is the actual absolute root of my account for my cron job. like for example my cron will run a script inside my public_html directory(i know it's stupid to put a cron inside public_html directory but it's just for location reference) is this cron param correct? php...
  5. mumbhaki

    mySQL error: Too many Connection

    it seems that more and more people are using my tracker for friendster... and also comes this new scalability issue mySQL error: Too many Connection im just new to php and mysql, can somebody suggest some do's and dont's so that this problem be avoided currently the tracker uses atleast 3 sql...
  6. mumbhaki

    Cron question

    im new to crons, kindly check my syntax in advanced(unix style) 0 0 1 * 0 /usr/bin/wget -o /dev/null -O /dev/null what i want is to run somescript.php every 1st day of every month
  7. mumbhaki

    Great Service!

    I really like the service that is being offered in this site! Most especially the cPanel X, love it!!! Check my simple personal site Ken from PH
  8. mumbhaki

    google ad

    so i just upgraded my account to ad enhanced advance plan... the problem is where do i get the code for the ads. any help is greatly appreciated
  9. mumbhaki

    is it possible to change domain for free accounts

    for example my public_html is which is the default i think to
  10. mumbhaki

    reset account

    hi, i really have fun using x10hosting... unfortunately, i've been receiving php errors when i attempted to create a domain. i'm thinking if it is possible to reset everything i did in cpanel, like delete all progress i made. anyway it's my first day of using this hosting site. maybe...