Search results

  1. W

    Inoperable website

    my website, has been inoperable for close to a month. I cannot log onto cPanel, despite attempts to change my password. After talking on IRC, I was told to post here. My account was previously on the stoli server, but became inoperable in February. A new account, on...
  2. W

    What is so original about the film Avatar?

    the fact that it is a well done 3D movie thats visually spectacular?
  3. W

    What's in your disc tray?

    My tray contains contents.
  4. W

    Downed Webpage - Stoli

    My webpage is entirely down (cannot connect at all). It is hosted on Stoli.x10, which the service alerts imply is working apart from mysql (my website does not use mysql). The domain is, and my cpanel account name is wwhstech. However, I cannot log into my cPanel account...
  5. W

    Downed Page

    I cannot seem to access my website ( and am even unable to log in. My account panel reports that I am in good standing, am part of "Stoli.x10", where Stoli is indicated to be functioning from the server migration. I cannot view my website, or log onto my cPanel, despite using...
  6. W

    What is the Best AntiVirus?

    i tend to like nod32. its more customizable than many of the other anti-virus programs listed, and I find it to be much faster.
  7. W

    Which Operating System do you prefer?

    the large number of vista people surprises me. i have it and love it, but i thought i was quite alone...
  8. W

    Xbox or Playstation 3?

    xbox all the way. its cheaper, has more games, and i hate the playstation control triggers.
  9. W

    Have you ever been banned?

    banned several times for not forum posting enough, when my life was particularly busy (slash, i just haven't had time to build the habits of visiting these forums, i'm working on it).
  10. W

    How much RAM do you have?

    i'm surprised so many with so little ram...
  11. W

    Feature requests - PHP

    i would second the request for ImageMagick, or some other method of resizing pictures. The memory limit makes resizing larger images difficult (because it decompresses as it loads them into memory) -whitmantech