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  1. L

    Cannot get my web to work!

    So.. i just logged on my account and its not working, i got the Default Web Site Page, when i have a few things on the directory and wordpress installed, deleted the .htaccess files, but it keeps redirecting me to
  2. L

    Subdomains are not back!

    It says that i can create a new account. Am i available to do so?
  3. L

    Subdomains are not back!

    I had two subdomains before the Fris Migration, when my web got back, i didnt have any of them, i tried creating, but i cant.
  4. L

    My website is not back, and cannot login to CPanel..

    I read that the migration from Absolut to Fris has been done.. but my website is not working and i cannot even access the cpanel...
  5. L

    Moving to Fris... 6 days.

    x10Hosting is always down! It's been like 6 days with the migration thing... Is there a way to at least redirect the domain and stop showing that message? This is frustrating.. first 503 errors, then the database ones... and now migrating to Fris? When is this going to stop? This is something i...
  6. L

    Website down, redirect. Mitigation?

    Hope so.. we are running a website for an actress, and its been 2 days without connecting.. and last week with no database.. and before the 503 error...
  7. L

    Can i install this free script?

    The web belongs to an actress, and fans will send their fan-videos and fan-images. We will control every single image and video that it'll be uploaded, as many under 18, could enter on the web, we have a team of 15 people to control it.
  8. L

    Can i install this free script?

    Just wanted to know if i can install this free video script on my site, or if I am not avaliable to do so. The script is It's a video script, as i said before. Thanks
  9. L

    databases are gone!

    My only database that i had with my wordpress blog, is gone.. i tried creating a new one, but it dissappeared...?? What's happening.. Also im on the absolut server.
  10. L

    It takes years to load!

    It's WordPress, sometimes it loads in a few seconds, and others it won't load, and i get errors. I have a index.html temporary page, so the main directory loads so quickly, but not the wordpress pages.
  11. L

    It takes years to load!

    Hey there! I've been experiencing some errors on my hosting account, first it was the 503 error when visiting WordPress, but now that it got solved (?), it takes years to load the page, and no, it's not my Internet... What can i do?
  12. L

    Service Temporarily Unavailable when visiting WordPress

    Arhhgh! It's ALWAYS showing the error! DO SOMETHING WITH IT, PLEASE!! Cannot work if it keeps going like this.
  13. L

    Service Temporarily Unavailable when visiting WordPress

    Its happened to me like 20 times in an hour... It's so freaking slow.. and 503 error always..
  14. L

    Service Temporarily Unavailable when visiting WordPress

    Yeah, it happens when you're getting it fixed, or making a new page or post.. so it really feds me up... You think it'll be fixed? It appeared yesterday. Not yet today..
  15. L

    Service Temporarily Unavailable when visiting WordPress

    Hey X10Hosting support! I have a problem. It is not always, but very often, when i visit my wordpress blog, i get the Service Temporarily Unavailable, error 503, i have looked at the internet, and it says its problem from the server. So.., what can i do? Thank you. The web is...