Search results

  1. sakuyafm

    Domain Rejected Due to "Being already used"

    I had to reset my domain name due to some problems with my original domain. That has recently been fixed, but now the system claims that it is already in use, and 2 subdomains tied with it still exist, even though they have been deleted off cpanel, as well as their physical...
  2. sakuyafm

    Suspension Appeal

    I attempted to install a copy of IPB my friend claimed to be licensed that he has been using for a while now. I was reluctant to accept it since I use SMF extensively. Apparently, it was "nullified" (not sure what that means) and I got a suspension from it. I am appealing the suspension...
  3. sakuyafm

    MySQL login rejected

    .__. So apparently my buddy gave me an illegal copy. Awesomesauce. Too good to be true. Shoulda stuck with SMF.
  4. sakuyafm

    MySQL login rejected

    I've been trying to set up my site for a good 20 mins now, and I don't know why MySQL is rejecting my CORRECT login credentials. Server: localhost DB Name: sakuyafm_ipb Username: sakuyafm_root / sakuyafm_shana Both are being rejected, and I also get an Access Denied error on phpMyAdmin.