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  1. likedarby

    Accidently delete my site,please help!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks, I know I shouldn't be serious with these ads, but this give me a final reason to leave this sux10hosting thing
  2. likedarby

    Accidently delete my site,please help!!!!!!!!!

    I have accidently delete my www and/or public_html folder in my site,and now they are both gone, is there any way I can recover my site? Please help!!! Thank you!!!!
  3. likedarby

    Which domain is better?

    I used to use the default one, but yesterday I changed it to just for a cooler url, then my site became hard to log on or take a long time to load, is this a common thing to you guys? Among the several domain name, which do you think is the best ? Thx~
  4. likedarby

    What's wrong with my account?

    I just created my site and used flashfxp to upload some files (no more than 10mb) and then my flashfxp stopped uploading and told me that the diskspace is full, and when I got on my cpanel, it shows me a page like this: Sorry for the inconvenience! The filesystem mounted at / on this...