Search results

  1. F

    Drop table if exists

    I was just wondering how I would go about dropping a table if it exists. I don't have much knowledge of MySQL and have been using PHPMyAdmin to create, insert, edit, delete and drop tables. But I'm currently creating a .sql script which will create and insert all the default tables and data and...
  2. F

    Server migration complete - I'm still on fris

    It's been over two weeks since I've been able to access my site. I've been patient till then and keeping up to date on the News and Announcements. Everything is finished and all accounts have been migrated to new servers yet I'm still on Fris. WTF, I'm not even suspended so why is this? I...
  3. F

    Still connected to fris - not suspended

    I've been trying to find information on the News and Announcements forums but all I get is that everything is restored except those who are suspended and people can now open up support threads. Well my account isn't suspended and I'm still connected to fris. Are they still transferring accounts...
  4. F

    Can't connect to ftp account

    It's been about a week since I last logged onto my ftp account. My details are saved and never change and I always use quickconnect to save me the trouble of having to manually keep typing in my details. To get to the point, I tried connecting today and it failed. Password authentication failed...
  5. F

    Constants may only evaluate to scalar values

    So, I created a little table with some server scripts which pretty much just shows what it does. However, when I load the page I get a warning: Constants may only evaluate to scalar values link The page is nothing special I'm just going through some steps to sort out a problem with another...
  6. F

    421 Too many connections (5) from this IP

    OK, I did a search and didn't really come up with much. Anyways I don't understand what this is. I thought this was the amount of transfers I was doing as it used to be "421 Too many connections (8) from this IP" when I was doing 8 simultaneous transfers at once. For some reason it would work...
  7. F

    Email script not sending as @gmail or @hotmail

    I have an email script which is currently working. But it took several hours to figure out the problem. When I put the senders (me) email address as @gmail or @hotmail extension, it refuses to send the email. But if I have the extension as @example or @test (haven't tried any others) it works...
  8. F

    Email scripts not working

    Nvm - deleted
  9. F

    Email script not working

    So I have an email script which sends a welcome email along with activation link after a user creates an account. However, the registration process works fine but no email get's sent. The script is: function sendWelcome($user, $actkey, $email){ $from = "From: ".EMAIL_FROM_NAME."...
  10. F

    Getting 404 Error when returning to home in cPanel

    Every time I go to use the Home button in cPanel I get taken to a 404 Not Found page. I have discovered the problem which is the actual address is: But the Home button is taking me to...