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  1. N

    Credits refer to here
  2. N

    Hi and stuff

    Hehe I love playing games too, the problem is finding the time! Welcome to x10hosting~
  3. N

    Newbie ^_^

    Good to see you have posted on the forums! Its fun and there IS a great community here, plus it keeps your account active!
  4. N

    Change a letter!

  5. N

    Free domain name !

    This looks as though its a ploy to get your information for companies to send you spam. I wouldnt do it if I was any of you, just pay the very cheap price of 11$ a year...
  6. N

    help unable to send mails

    There has been ongoing problems with email that were just recently fixed. Expect a boggish response time as things continue to get processed - should be working shortly.
  7. N

    Count to 1 Million

    2417 monkeys in a zoo
  8. N

    Hi all

    Hey and welcome to x10! Its good to see more and more faces around here eager to learn the tricks of the trade! :)
  9. N


    Well for one, this isnt really the section to post this in - but you can take part in all the forum games and talk (theres a pretty good community around here). Make sure to build an awesome website too!
  10. N

    Hi guys.

    If you are making a website for your dad's used car dealership you should make sure to get yourself a TLD! (top level domain). There are lots of people around here to help you out so dont be scared to ask!
  11. N

    Hello Everybody

    Hey! Welcome to x10hosting! It's good to see new faces around the forums!
  12. N

    Can anyone host a Hacked MW2 Lobby for me? PS3

    If what your implying is that you want to do something technically "illegal" then you are not able to talk about that on x10... Though I could be mistaken as i dont play CoD.
  13. N


    Welcome to x10hosting! Enjoy the community :)
  14. N

    Problem With Cloud fare

    Seems you have posted this in the wrong section, you should have posted this in a help section!
  15. N

    I havea amazing Suggestion for x10 community

    This really Isn't something x10 would really promote, as a company it does not do them a justice - but in my opinion would hinder its reputation.
  16. N

    alerts via teitter

    it would make sense to a lot of users and its a fairly good suggestion, its just a matter of finding someone who wants to go on twitter to post them. I know personally I find twitter pointless XD
  17. N

    Vending Machine (Game)

    Out comes a subliminal message telling you to give away your wealth I insert an elephant
  18. N

    StepMania 5 Preview Released

    Woo! Step mania was always fun, passed the time for me a while back when I had nothing to do :)
  19. N

    What External Software Works?

    There can be a few things that you're able to use, but to be sure you should always put in a ticket BEFORE installing it as there are limitations.