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  1. P

    Internal Server Error

    How fair is this from being fixed.. I deleted my wp installation thinking the error what me and now, I have to reinstall it again, most annoying.
  2. P

    Wordpress Installation

    Can I just ask who you where saying was lazy, us or X10 staff? Far from being lazy, I was merely pointing out discrepancies. I already installed Wordpress myself. My point was, Wordpress should be available as part of softaculous suite as standard. Regardless which server people are on! Why...
  3. P

    Wordpress Installation

    Yes. I have that problem too.Then I noticed something. I have 2 sites on x10. one has a free domain name and the other is on the subdomain. On my subdomain I HAVE tons more scripts available. My sites are on TWO DIFFERENT clusters of the server (to check which cluster you are on, look...